Question about wireless connection in my laptop!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Knewie1, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Knewie1

    Knewie1 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    I have bought a Compaq Presario C500 laptop and it has built in wireless with it. I recently went on a holiday and tried to check my emails etc using the hotspot in the hotel we stayed at. I couldn't get it to work. I also tried it at the local Mcdonalds Restaurant and still couldn't get it to work. After getting very frustrated i rang my service provider who then informed me that there are 2 types of wireless and that the built in wireless on my laptop can only connect to wireless routers at home etc. I can connect at home and various friends houses but not when i got out into the real world. He said it can get very expensive to set my laptop up for a wireless connection. I thought i would only need a usb wireless adapter or something like that as the laptop doesn't have a slot for airport cards etc.
    Does anyone know what i'm talking about, and can you help me. I don't know much about the wireless world as yet. I thought buying this laptop with built in wireless stuff that i could just walk into a hotspot area and start surfing.
    I have had a very quick look on ebay for an adapter but not sure if thats what i should be getting.
    Also do i need to have a "wireless" account with my service provider as well (Iprimus)
    ANY help would be just great!!!
  2. dizzyduck

    dizzyduck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    I've never heard of two types of wireless, that guy sounds like an idiot. Basically, what it sounds like, is when you try to hit up a hotspot you're getting denied. The reason being is most likely the hotspots are security ecrypted (WEP,WPA,etc.) The wireless networks you are connecting to at home and over friends houses is likely unsecured, which basically means anyone with wireless capabilities can latch onto the router and use it for internet connectivity. Next time you hit a hotpost, ask the host if the connection is encrypted and ask them what you need to do to connect to their network. Lastly, you do not need to buy an adapter or setup a wireless account with your ISP. And be careful listening to advice from your ISP. Most of those guys are paid minimum wage and have no idea what the hell they are talking about! Hope this has helped!
  3. Knewie1

    Knewie1 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Thank you so much dizzyduck!! Yes i think your right that guy from my ISP does sound like an idiot, just hope i don't sound like one too for listening to him. haha. Thanks again!
  4. wcalifas

    wcalifas Guest

    Your laptop might have a built in a or b wireless card. I've successfully used my computer that has a g wireless capability. I think maybe you need to buy a usb wireless g adapter to be able to use the net in the hotel you're talking about. Nowadays, hotels use the "G" wireless system. I suggest you buy one, I can tell you a place to buy them cheap I've bought from them before and they have excellent customer service and return/warranty policies. Let me know how it goes.
  5. Knewie1

    Knewie1 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Thanks anyway wcalifas but i just checked the settings etc on the laptop and it has a Broadcom 802.11 b/g wireless card. That is a great site thoough, has some very affordable things on it.
    Thanks again

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