I am interested in the M3 + Passcard combo. I have a DS lite. I know there is a M3 Lite, however it uses microSD cards. however, anywhere i go, to look for MicroSD cards, i cant seem to see the Speed (read/write). I know its important (castlevania test is helpful to test this out), when running stuff off the card. If anyone could provide links to good decenty fast microsd cards , it would be nice. I searched Newegg. I could always go with Mini Sd, i just figured it would be nice to flush my DS lite.
the kingston cards work perfectly. I have both a 512MB and a 1GB kingston micro SD card.. and they work perfectly fine. no skipping or anything. Got the 512 for ~$17.99 and the 1GB for ~$31.99+sh.. 1GB was off newegg a week or two ago
and its still there if you want to get it http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820134215
about how many games can u hold on one 512/1gb card? i saw a 512mb kingston card for 29.99 at Fry's and a 1gb for 44.99 *my SC Lite is coming in soon so im looking to buy a card at the store*
512 can hold about 6-10 games depending on the sizes.. if you average 32MB per game you can hold 16.. but most games are in the 32-64mb range so that means 8-16 games on a 512 card. Double that for the 1GB I got my 512MB for $17.99 at fry's.. so I'd say wait til it goes on sale. I know its hard to wait to get a required accessory for something you just bought.. but hey it saves you $12! I don't use my 512MB card anymore since I upgraded to the gig.. so i'd recommend sticking around for one you know you'll keep
yeahhh i prolly should wait ... might as well get a 1gb because im pretty sure with a 512 you'll be cringing at wanting to hold more games and stuff x_X
just got back from frys ... im so lucky .. they have a sale on 1gb Kingston microSDs for 37.99 so i saved a few dollars and some ... :]
nice! yeah I upgraded from my 512MB because I thought to myself "why did I get an M3 if I am only going to hold 512MB? might as well get the G6 Lite and save some $$"