Hey other than the Plextor 716 has a larger buffer than the 760 is there any difference between the 716 and the 760?(is the 760 firmware better?) Right now i have a plex 716 and a pioneer 108. my aunt and buddy want a drive so im going to sell them my old drive and was thinking about replacing them with a plex 760 and a pioneer 710. The only media i use are TY and verbatims(only use -R) I dont burn any +R nor do i use dual layers
Hi ;-) The Plextor 760 is marginally better than the 716, (I have both). F/W is the issue with the 760, many prefer 1.03 over the later ones. The Pioneer 710 is also an improement over earlier models. Only more so.This drive is an excellent one, that pushes Plextor hard. So a bergain when price is considered. As you might expect the Plextor's have an egde when using TY media.