Question regarding my LCD TV and Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by H4V0K, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. H4V0K

    H4V0K Member

    Nov 24, 2005
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    So I just bought a Samsung 22" T220HDTV. Its resolution is 1680x1050. I have my 360 connected via component and set to 720p, but it just doesn't look that good. It doesn't look like a nice crisp HD picture. Can anyone advise me about what I can do to make it look better? Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
  2. 00lloyd

    00lloyd Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    It's the pitfall of buying a monitor (making that assumption due to the resolution). Although I play my PS3 on my TV, when I connect it to my 22" Samsumg Syncmaster it really doesn't look that good, this is because the 720p signal is stretched out accross the far larger number of pixels on screen. If you think about it, you've got pratically full HD on a tiny 22" screen, therefore unless there is a signal to match the native resolution anything less won't show up to pretty. If you want the best out of you 360 then connect it up to a 720p TV, since nearly all games are produced in 720p, even if they can be upscaled. Lol, I realise this doesn't answer your question. Your only option is to only play the few games that are natively produced in 1080p and set the 360 to 1080p.
  3. flowerpop

    flowerpop Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    the 360 doesnt support 1680x1050 atm. it will in this fall's update though. thats why your picture doesnt look the best it can. LCD's need the picture to be in their native res or it will look bad.

    also, hooking the 360 up with a VGA or HDMI cable is the better choice (if your HDTV/Monitor has those inputs).

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