
Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by shark3226, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. shark3226

    shark3226 Guest

    i have a softmodded xbox with unleash x i already have a whole bunch of mods on my halo 2 on my HDD how do i get on live wtih those mods
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Yes you can. But you will get banned at 80%. You will not get banned at 20%. So it depend alot on your luck.
  3. shark3226

    shark3226 Guest

    well how do u get online if you load halo 2 from your HDD to get the mods but you cant get on live from that way you have to unload the
    ms dash
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you are right. you can't load halo from hdd and go on Live.
  5. xXBMODSXx

    xXBMODSXx Guest

    is it copied to ur hdd? if so then u cant go on live just make ppf's for the maps on the original game!
  6. shark3226

    shark3226 Guest

    nvm guys im stupid you can only mod the new maps on live cuz those maps are saved on ur HDD and the game CD runs off those
  7. xXBMODSXx

    xXBMODSXx Guest

    yeah now u got it!

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