Try reflashing FlashMe (don't need to use the Passkey again, just run it) I seriously doubt that FlashMe would effect the calibraion of the screen, however a bad install of FlashMe might be why the calibration won't complete. I have FlashMe installed on both my old 'phat' DS, and on my DS Lite, I have also installed it on several other DS's and DS Lite, none of which had this problem.
Run it exactly the same way as you did before, as you already have it installed you shouldn't need to touch the SL1 connection or use a Passkey this time.
I have run V 7 back on and its exactly the same! :-( I have tried removing the battery too, no difference there either. It looks like the calibration is further out the further It never completes... How many clicks on the crosshair does it normally take? Is there a chance the stealth version may make a difference? The V7 loader mentioned Lite Version? Is that relevant? Is there a way of reseting the DS to factory settings?
Might be worth mentioning that the calibration is perfect vertically. In the horizontal, its perfect against the right hand edge and gets progressively worse the further to the left the cursor is.
I just tried it on my DS and it took three taps - top left, bottom right, centre. It then showed four crosshairs to check it's OK with Confirm and Cancel buttons at the bottom. Click Confirm or press 'A' to complete. Using the stealth version should make no difference. v7 includes both the phat and Lite firmwares so works on both, previous FlashMe's did not have the Lite firmware. As for returning to default settings, there should be a file somewhere on the 'interweb' called noflashme.nds this removes FlashMe from the DS, note this only works on the phat DS, not the Lite. I think you will need to short the SL1 connection to use this. Just out of curiosity why did you choose Stealth over Regular FlashMe? I like to hear peoples reasons
Why did I choose Stealth??? I tried it purely out of desperation after the standard one failed to have any impact!!! Stealth Flashme just stopped dead at 66% and scared me to death. S1 cured that though. Unflashme looks like my only alternative now I guess. Big risk though isnt it? Will I need to use the passme to get back up once (if) it calibrates successfully? If I disconnect the Touch Screen and reconnect it, will that make any difference?
I don't know aout the risks of NoFlashMe as I've never need to use it. Once you have used NoFlashMe your DS is back to factory state, so you will need to use the PassMe for anything homebrew related again. I don't know if disconnecting the sreen will make any difference, I can't think of any way that it would though.
Well.... Back to V5 Factory and guess what...... Still no joy! I am completely confused now... Is it a hardware issue? or am I doing something wrong?
Its actually my daughters DS. It was purchased last August so it is still in warranty. Problem is, the little sticker is now missing from the S1 hole. How hot are Nintendo on this? Also, will they be able to tell its been flashed previously? Thanks for your help!
Depends how you g about returning the console, if you take it back to the store you got it there should be no problems as they won't know what they're looking for. If you send it back to nintendo, you might have some problems with the sticker being gone, but i'm not sure. If the store you bought it from wants to send it to Nintendo before giving you a replacment or refund you could buy a new DS, then take it back a few days later saying it's touch screen dosn't work and you want a refund ;-)
I dont know y there that sticker for cause it dont say warenty void if removed or anything, and its covering a hole and not a screw hole, plus it goes back on eaislyand dont say void. If u have a GBASP u can find one where the side of the battery place is that u could put in the DS, but dont think nintendo going to be really picky bout it. Since its been a 2-3 month i dont think stores going to accept it, unless u got it a costco or some membership required stores.