Hey everyone, I just ordered a M3 simply from divineo.com last night, and I was going by what my friend said that it comes with a card reader for the micro SD card. I didn't see anything on their site confirming that, so I just wanted to make sure. Can anyone who has ordered from there confirm? My question regarding the micro SD cards is basically just advice needed about the card I bought. I didn't want to buy over ebay, so I went into a local store here who had kingston 1GB cards on sale, but it is the Taiwan version. They didn't have any Japanese. Am I only going to have problems with Castlevania: POR, or with other games too? Is there any way I can get this card to work with Castlevania? One other extremely noobish question I'm hoping someone will answer for me: I've seen the term homebrew thrown around a lot, and I'm just wondering what it means. (I know- pathetic) Thanks a bunch!
The M3DSS does come with a card reader, either a clear blue one or a silver metal one. I can't comment on th compatibility as I have never encountered the problem associated with POR. (on a 256MB & 1GB Toshiba card, and 2GB Ultra II card, all purchased from eBay) Homebrewing typically refers to the brewing of beer and similar alcoholic beverages on a very small scale as a hobby for personal consumption, free distribution at social gatherings, amateur brewing competitions or other assorted generally non-commercial reasons. (source: wikipedia) Homebrew in gaming is essentially the same, user created games, created at home in their spare time and openly released on the internet (usually free) majority of the time homebrew is not illegal, however if the programmer uses code from official sources without permission it is illegal (hence most xbox homebrew is illegal) Some well know homebrew applications for the DS include DSorganize and Moonshell, a google on these will bring up pages of info on them.
Thanks for the response. I have 30 days to return the card, so I guess if it isn't up to par I can get rid of it anyway. Re: Homebrew, I knew about the beer definition, but the games one confused me- thanks for clearing that up. I guess most people are referring to Moonshell or DSorganize when they talk about homebrew, since those seem to be the most popular apps.