Hi, just recently got into the whole modding thing so please excuse me if these questions seem a bit basic. I know there's been threads in this area but I haven't found answers to what I want to know, specifically hard drive compatibility and does size matter in a softmod? So firstly I'm wondering what drive to buy. From what I've read it has to be lockable, also seen some references to your xbox version. Can this affect what type of drive will work? Here's one I was looking at that seems to be quite good and I can pick up for a decent price (WD3200JB) -> http://xboxdrives.x-pec.com/?p=list...buffersize=&v_locking=&v_version=&v_postedby= Yea or nay? The size here would bring up my second question. Is there a limit on what size drive I can install with a softmod? I've seen it mentioned that you can use xboxpartitioner to create additional partitions for larger drives. Would this be applicable if using a softmod and if so are there any tutorials relating to this? Anyway that's it for the moment. If anyone's got any advice on any of this it would be much appreciated! Cheers
You can use pretty much any drive of any size! The compatibilty chart you found is the one I refer to. If it says it can be locked on there then your all sweet! I recommend the Seagate drives as they are cheaper then WD and have a 5 year warranty!
Hi Chunkhead, cheers for the reply. So there's no limitation on hard drive size when using a softmodded box? Excellent news, thanks!
You'll just need to format a G:\ with UnleashX when you're done installing it because F:\ will only allow 137Gb!
yeah read that before hence the initial question on overall limitations and ways around it. I was planning on copying my existing modded drive that I did with Krayzies Ndure Installer using xboxhdm_v1.9 to build the new drive from scratch. I noticed in the extras folder in Krayzies Ndure Installer options to set the bios like so "set bios to 06 (F drive takes rest) or 67 (F drive takes up to 137 GB and G takes rest)" . So basically I would need to format the G drive through Unleashx first and then set the bios to 67? Sorry if it's a really basic question, still getting aquainted with modding (enjoying it though ). Also cheers for the answers, really appreciate it! btw ordered the Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB ST3320620A, good call on that
No, just set the drive up like you would normally! F:\ will take the remaining space to equal 137Gb. You then boot your xbox like normal, navigate to the Format option in UnleashX, Format a G:\, restart your Xbox and your done!
ok, I'll check out the format options on unleashx this evening when I get home. Just wondering though, what is that option for in extras then? Also noticed it on the NDure Installer for PC's. I thought you would have to enable the F: & G: drives through this first before formatting no? (just noticed in my previous post I put the ordering wrong, meant enable 67 first then format through unleashx). cheers again mate!
I'm not too sure about the bios setting you are reffering to, but this is how I would do it... Setup your xbox with the stock HDD, FTP in and copy the complete C:\ and E:\ folders to your PC's HDD. Add these folders to the corresponding folders in xboxhdm, include your eeprom into the correct xboxhdm folder then make your iso file! Format the new HDD with xboxhdm as normal and it should just install all of you old stuff onto the new HDD. You then connect your new HDD to the xbox, navigate to Format in UnleashX, enter password "Xbox" and format G:\, reboot and your home free!!! Don't forget to lock your drive!
sorry the 67 was the Ndure option for the .67 bios to allocate any remaining space over 137GB to the G drive. yeah what you've outlined is the basic plan when the drives arrive. By copying my C & E drives over I should have the same installer setup I currently have after using Krayzies installer right? Just a question on the format option in unleash. Looked through the menu last night and couldn't find it anywhere. Is this not visible on the stock drive or something? I went into System->Storage and enabled G: to see if this would make it visible but still nothing. Seems a bit odd. Saw a few screenshots showing the Format option on Unleash so I'm sure I'm in the right place, the Settings, Misc & Skins are there but I thought the Format option should be between Misc and Skins?
Had a look at unleashx on both boxes. With the box I got in a modded state the format option is where I would have expected it to be under System, with the box I modded using Krayzies installer it appears to be under Applications->Extras->Format Options. Anyway both do the same thing so no biggie . Something I meant to ask about connecting the new ide drive to your pc. I know it should be going to the primary ide and cd drive to secondary. From the tuts I've read it has said disconnect any other ide drives. There's no mention specifically of sata drives but would it be recommended to disconnect these as well or would this be overkill? cheers
Hey Chunkhead, got the hard drives this morning and have been trying all day to get this to work. Ok firstly created image with C & E drives as well as eeprom. Connected one of the drives to primary master (tried with jumpers set to cable select as well as Master). Disabled/Enabled Smart Monitoring in bios on Primary IDE. (doesn't appear to make a difference as autodetect still happens. Best way around this I found was only connecting power source to hdd after xboxhdm screen comes up to prevent frozen drive). So boot up off the xboxhdm linux image and go through first few steps. ie, hit enter for default VGA console,type xboxhd. Type yes at next prompt and then select 1 (build a new hard drive from scratch). Partitioning starts, then a message appears stating harddrive over 8gb, do I wish to creat an F partition? I've typed both yes or no here. A few seconds later the same error comes up everytime "Activating the fatx partition...[error]. Try to reboot and reenter this tool." I've looked all over the place for reasons for this, and suggestions that you just go ahead and lock your hard drive and create the F partition through your xbox. As the C & E drives had not yet been created though didn't see the point in this. The only solutions I've seen to this is to use another pc to format, something in the mobo maybe that doesn't like xboxhdm? Using an AV8 Deluxe by the way. Anyway don't have another pc to try it in so that's out. If you have any ideas as to why the hell this keeps happening I'd love to know, been at this 8 hours solid and completely head wrecked at this stage! Cheers
Sounds odd, I'd say it's the computer you're trying to use? Maybe the ide cable? Are you using one of the new 80 pin types?
not sure, the cable is just the old ide cable I was using for my cd drives before I replaced it with a newer shrink wrap kinda ide cable to improve airflow. never had a problem with the cable, I can see the hard drive through it as well which is why I was thinking maybe it's a problem with my pc? however tried a different machine over the weekend and this time when I boot up from the xboxhdm image it doesn't see the harddrive at all. It's a bit weird though as initially when the xboxhdm logo comes up, I select 1) Boot VGA console with xbox-drive utilities (default), some xboxhdm output is scrolled on the screen in which I can see the harddrive serial number so it sees it there. I'm then prompted to enter xboxhd, however instead of the menu for xboxhdm now being displayed (i.e 1. create new harddrive from scratch etc) I get an error stating that no harddrive found on /dev/hda or something like that. I've gone into option 4 on the initial menu (4. Boot to DOS with HD unlock tools) and checked the hard drive status with atapwd. It shows the hard drive as unlocked and unfrozen. Expected it to be unlocked anyway as it's a new drive so can't understand why xboxhdm doesn't see it. The new machine I'm trying isn't the most powerful in the world, just got 512mb memory and a Celeron 2.8ghz cpu. Wondering if this could be affecting the performance of xboxhdm, seem to recall seeing somewhere that you need a minumum spec'd machine to run it successfully, can't find the link again.
ok, finally got the whole thing working!!! it was as I suspected my own machine which was the problem all along. the images I burnt worked without a hitch on the new machine once I figured out where I'd gone wrong. Must have been really tired not to spot this on Friday night, just worked on the assumption that ide channels were from left to right, i.e. left channel primary and right channel secondary. Not the case with the mobo on the new machine, obvious thing to try but hey what can I say, think I was too tired and going from the amount of pointless troubleshooting on my own machine with no success (about 20 hours give or take!!), don't think I had the heart to spend another weekend at it! Didn't help that there are no markings on the channels, but a quick look on the bios with fresh eyes and saw it straight away! Anyway finally got a successful harddrive upgrade, formatted using Krayzies extras and got me a whole 302GB to play around with!!! Later guys, cheers for the replies