Quick qustion plz read which is better?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gus738, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    ok i have dvd shrink clonedvd2 with anydvd and dvd fab platinum, now my question is which program gives better quality results backing up a dvd9 to dvd5 due to conpression requirements to fit on a dvd5? clonedvd2 says 49% dvdfab says 57% and dvd shrink well if i understand it correctly its 51.x % now dvd fab seems to have the edge but is it 57% meaning higher compared to clonedvd2 which is 49? or what? i dont get it and i would apriciate if someone can explin it thanks....
  2. syxguns

    syxguns Active member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    The numbers for compression being between 49 and 57% are terrible. You should think about adding a step before you shrink your file. There is a free program called VobBlanker that can help you do this. Simply blank out previews, FBI Warning, Caution, etc. You can get a much higher compression ratio that way. I normally don't like to burn anything unless the compression is at 70% or higher.

    I use a program called DVD ReMake Pro. It does everything that VobBlanker does and more. The program is 50 bucks, but worth every penny. Try VobBlanker. You will find it on this site along with several how to guides. "alkohol" wrote a good guide for beginners on his blog. At first the program seems complicated, but after you use it a few times you will be able to complete the movie in less time, and it takes about 15 min. to process it to the HDD.

    Good luck!
  3. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    hey thx for the info so dvd remake pro sounds intresting but i dont wanna remove stuff i just wanna have control of conpressing a certain file hevier then others and such .... i understand conpression rate being 49% is bad and 57% still being bad but my question between both which one gives better results clone or fab?
  4. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Those varying compression percantage rates are likely due to default settings. Example- you can have dvd shrink to automatically tick certain sound streams like AC3,untick rest. Same with hiding subpictures,sub picture language,.

    The compression will vary by what you have ticked in those settings. Open up dvd shrink/edit/preferences and you'll find those settings boxes that you can tick to automatically leave out extra crap. By unticking the sub picture(subtitles) in the Edit/ preferences,then when a movie opens up that you need subtitles on,those will be unticked and very annoying because some movies will need those subpictures: The protector,Babel,and Borat.

    Dvd-9 to Dvd-5: Full disc-keeping enire disc or Reauthoring: The best overall quality of your backups will be if you keep the compression to a minimum by reauthoring. Higher compression,fuzzier the picture,also increasing the backup time.You will lose menu function.

    Insert an original disc/open up dvd shrink/open disc/let it quickly analyze-see what the compression setting says-51%-tick and untick soundstreams and watch that number change.Then click Reauthor/click on main movie/drag to left side of screen under dvd structure/click on the compression setting tab-100 is the goal for 0 compression.

    By re-authoring-dvd shrink,you'll eliminate a lot of compression,and you can even cut out those unnecessary sound streams and subpictures that you didn't select in the Edit/preferences page. You can use frame start/frame stop to cut out beginning crap and ending credits.

    I don't use clonedvd,but I sometimes use anydvd to help dvd shrink and nero recode2 to pull off the newer encryptions. When the compression tab in dvd shrink tells you 55,then there's 45% compression and that's pretty high. There's quality enhancements that will help you out on those highly compressed backups- Max Smoothness and Max Sharpness.When you click backup,you'll see the quality tab. Those enhancements are there,lit up when there's compression or grayed out when there is no compression.

    Clone dvd should be pretty close.It's a very good program.

    It's nice having a couple different options when it comes to ripping newer dvds. Grudge2,Saw3 for example. Shrink won't rip them-with or without anydvd. So Nero recode2 and anydvd did the trick for me.
  5. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    thx well ill go ahead and just burn it with clonedvd2 and anydvd and see results
  6. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2007
  7. new738

    new738 Member

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2007
  8. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Well although not asked exactly in the same words it is the same overall question you are asking. I am sorry you were suspended by the way, but Neph is right about this one you are a senior member and should know better.

    Just to refresh your memory
    That is from your other thread posted 7 down and it is exactly the same as the start of this thread and on the same date and exactly the same time.

    The main point being we are all here to help and learn from each other and it gets pretty frustrating sometimes when you are trying to help someone out and then you go to another thread to see the same situation being discussed in another thread. Especially when you take some time and research to answer questions. Anyway you are a senior member and should know better there really shouldn't even be a discussion going on about this. The two threads are essentially the same in my opinion and I would ask anyone else to look them over and see if they think differently. If so then maybe I am wrong, but in my honest opinion these two threads are pretty much the same.

    Again I am truly sorry you were suspended that was not my intent when I reported the double post (yes I reported it) I usually don't report things here because that is not why I am here, but this one got me a little PO'ed because I was trying to help in the other thread and then I saw this thread and that you were a senior member. I was just thinking one of the threads would be closed.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2007

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