QWIX Issue?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by kristoff, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. kristoff

    kristoff Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Hi there, m new to all this so be nice. I have just puchased my xbox complete with a Modchip so its all ready to go. I have gone through the guide of what i need to have on my computer to make the backups etc. The issue i have is QWIX. I downloaded it and it was a RAR file type. (No idea about file extensions) Anyway it wont open on my machine at home or at work. It asks me to select a programme from a list. So will this work and open when it sees there is an XISO or should it open regardless?

  2. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Ah, you need to get WinRAR


    Go there and download the latest version of WinRAR, and you should be fine :)
  3. kristoff

    kristoff Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Yep all sorted. thanks. So just a run down I have

    a FTP installed
    DVD Decrypter
    DVD write +/-
    and a Modded Xbox

    thats it isnt it?
  4. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Yes. To learn how to establish a FTP connection, click the link in my sig.
  5. kristoff

    kristoff Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    OK got all that, im waiting for my Xbox to be delivered, but i have tried the FTP programme on my standard box and it says conncetion failed, or timed out, is this cos i need the new dashboard installed to allow me to transfer or should i still beable to transfer file from a standard xbox to my computer?
  6. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    ok i can help ya with that. when you get a mod chip installed you must install a new bios into your xbox. since you have a xbox that is already modded it will be alot easier for you because you wont have all the soldering problems and crap like that. but anyways before you can ftp into you xbox you need a new bios which you can get from xbins. dont go making a new thread about what xbins is just search for it in the fourms and you will get alot of guides on how to get there. but any ways that reason you couldnt ftp into your other xbox is because the xbox alone with no mod chip is made so you cant ftp into it, bill gates was an a** and didnt want us to get free games?! lol i wornder why. once you have got ahold of your bios you need to install that and then you need to get onto geting a new dashboard. you can also get new dashboards at xbins also. after you got all good stuff installed you should be ready to ftp into your xbox and start backing up games. !remeber that it is illegal to back up games that you do not own! so theres all of that. that should be all the stuff you need to know about the bios and all. oh and by the way what chip did you get put into your xbox? installing the bios and what version of a certan bios you use all depends on what chip you have, and if we knew that it would be alot easier for us to help you.
  7. kristoff

    kristoff Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I have an executer 2.6, I have it all sorted now, it came all ready to roll but thanks for all your help
  8. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    umm yeah no prob. where did you buy your xbox? because if it came with a bios it couldnt have been a place off the net, its illegal to have any other bios besides the one microsoft had. if you do need a new bios i would say just go to xbins and get the bios for the xecuter 2.6 . the thing you probably think is the bios is probably the default startup for ether the chip or the xbox. if the xbox starts up like any other xbox you are doing it wrong. ive never worked with the 2.6 but on the xecuter3 to have the chip enabled you must tap power buton, which enables the chip and starts it up with your newer bios. if it starts up like a normal xbox when you tap the power button you do not have a bios yet. and like i said earlier xbins is the best place to get the bios from.
  9. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    just one more thing, when you buy a modded xbox they say its ready to roll, but when they say roll they mean its got a chip in it and the chip works. thats all they mean. if you are going to be useing the xbox for anything else besides just playing it, it isnt ready to roll. to me the phraze ready to rool means its got a bios and all the software like a dashboard and xbmc on it already, but the people who sell modded xboxes cannot put that stuff in it for you be cause it is illegal software, not all of it is but the bios is, and you cant use any of the other stuff without the bios. well anyways i was just tryin to point that out to you.
    jope i was some help,
  10. kristoff

    kristoff Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I can not tell you who or where i got it from but it came with the dashboard and bios all done, as i asked them to sort it for me!
  11. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    if it was a friend that gave it to you they cant get in trouble as long as you dont say there name. but if it was a company that sent it to you it is illegal for them to send it with that stuff. but any ways yeah as long as they will sort it out then thats good.

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