I cannot believe that the son of a bitch shot Dimebag during the Damageplan concert! For those of you who don't know, Dimebag Darrell started up Pantera with a buddy and left Pantera to start up Damageplan. He was the guitarist for both(in my opinion Pantera owns). This is a disgusting act and in memory of him we should all have a 'Black Toothed Grin'(an alcoholic beverage he invented). Dimebag, you will be missed and we were lucky to have you as a great part of metal history. Hunter007
Dimebag Darrell was a great guitarist and he will be missed.Some f***ing people don't deserve a trial and the Headcase who did this should be left to Darrell's fans to receive his JUSTICE!!!Darrell has moved on to jam with the other greats like JIMI HENDRIX and RANDY RHOADES let them ROCK ON!!!
The shooter was killed by a cop who entered the club by himself. The shooter had Vinnie Paul as a hostage and the officer shot him with a shotgun blast to the stomach. Hunter07
Supposedly the guy who shot Dime was a Pantera fan who was "pissed off because supposedly Dime broke up Pantera." Well shooting the guy in the face 5 times will definitely not get Pantera back together! You can still listen to their music. People need to think about what they're doing before they do it.