Just been toying with a DS,using R4 with latest firmware 1.14 Got it from addictsupplies (Will be using you again btw) http://www.addictsupplies.com/ Thing was a piece of cake to set up,but i got a couple of Q's When loading up roms for the first time,when selecting the option of Not creating a new SAV file,the roms dont load Is it a case of having to create new SAV file everytime a new rom is loaded up?...its no biggie,just curious Also,when upgrading to new firmware,can the SAV file just be copied over?
told ya addictsupplies was 100% relible ) right when i play a new rom for the first time i always let it create the sav file by pressing A , once it creates the sav file it wont ask you again. ( it only creates 1 sav file per game ). when i upgrade the firmware i dont touch the games or the saves , i just replace the old firmware with the new . woof811.
Ok,thats cool..and yes,hopefully will be sending plenty more buisness there way,as was very happy with the speed of service. Just one more thing Upgrading the firmware,is that just a case of replacing the 4 folders on the SD card?....if so i havent had time to open up the micro sd to check but are the SAV file's saved in the moonshl folder?,in which case,do we just keep hold of those? Or is the firmware just the DAT/NDS file? (<<<--- I guess this is correct) I am finding i need to learn quickly here like i did with the 360's to keep up with all this shite,hehehe cheers
yes updating the firmware is just replacing the 2 folders and the 2 files , as follows - folders - _system_ + moonshl files - _DS_MENU + _DS_MSHL.NDS as for the .sav files they are stored with where you put the .nds files . iff you have a look in the micro sd card you will see a .sav file next to each .nds file you put on.
Thats cool then,i checked the firmware on my PC folder,and assumed the SAV files where kept in the moonshl folder,as there are some in there already (too lazy to check micro sd card) Cheers for clearing that up Woof
the .sav files that are in the moonshl folder are what moonshell needs , no need to touch them mate .