I think everyone agrees that the original R4-revolution was amazing, it became THE flashcart to have, cheap and reliable. Unfortunately then the team that made it disbanded so it was no more. Then 9 copies, clones whatever you want to call them came along and jumped on to a great name, most producing a crap cart and relying on the R4 reputation to trick people into thinking they were getting something great. So thank you original R4 team - thanks for nothing the rest of you! To all thinking of buying a cart - pick something without the R4 name unless you are really sure of what you will be getting, I mean there are posts everywhere of people not being able to set up the R4this or the R4that - and yes most can be made to work . . . eventually, but its supposed to be simple!
I bought a pair of CycloDSes and they were (well) worth the extra money. I couldn't be happier. I owned several R4 Revolutions in my day and they were great in their time.
the original r4ds was good in its day ( i bought loads ) but the current crop of clones and fakes r4sdhc etc....... i wouldnt touch them they are nothing but trouble ! to anyone thinking of buying a flashcart have a look at a better supported + well built alternative - cyclods evolution , m3ds real , edge ds , supercard sd one and acekard .