I've recently bought a R4 for my DSLite but I can't seem to get it to work. I followed the manual on the r4ds.net site but it's not very clear to me. Can anyone help me to get it up and running? My R4 is Chinese and v1.10. Help is much appreciated!
you need to be more specific. describe what you have tried doing and what it shows on the screen. photos of the screen will help if you cannot understand chinese
This is what is on the R4 CD that was included: On the MicroSD (1 GB SanDisk) that I am using, these are the files that I have put in it: These are the problems that I've encountered (sorry, I can't really take a pic of my DS): - As a trial run, I played a Pokemon Diamond rom and saved. When I tried to play the game again, the DS screen just turned black and nothing happened (green power light keeps flickering). - When I tried to use the media player (middle option), I get an error message that says, "An error was detected while trying to access the disc or file..." and a bunch of things are listed. The message was in English.