R4 not loading games

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by stitcher1, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. stitcher1

    stitcher1 Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Hi I now feel really thick. I bought an R4 and loaded the firmware on t played very happily now I have loaded some new games Chrono Tigger my puppy shop for example (for the kids) and they either wont play or freeze what am I doing wrong? Chrono wont play on the SUPERCARD either I tried so am stuck now dunno what to do so any help guys and gals please ?
  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    What R4 do you have??
    Chrono trigger has new anti piracy code and a lot of flashcarts do not play it (look in the forum for the cheat fix for this)

    If you have the original R4 (now obsolete) look at gbatemp.net in the forums they detail ysmenu and alternative firmware based on the DSTT firware that has better compatability
  3. stitcher1

    stitcher1 Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    The R4 I have is NDSL/NDS thats what it says on the box I have looked on gba downloaded a cheat thing and saved it to my R4 nothing happened. Is there a step by step process anywhere ( I a bit slow (kids laughing now) its cos I'm OLD) so any help is appreciated. If this is an obsolete R4 what should I be loking for to tell the difference. On the back of the R4 is a T in a circle but another one we have doesnt have this both have NDSL/NDS on the boxes. Have I bought a dud? Typical me please help thanks
  4. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Anything with R4 is now getting to be a nightmare, 12 cards all with similar names, different firmwares and varying support.

    There is a way of patching cheats into the rom, not alway successful but it saves you having to activate the cheat before starting the game. Unfortunately I have an M3 Real so have no issues and have never had to do it. Chrono Trigger is one of the latest games and a lot of flash carts are having problems with its anti piracy code, however the problem with the R4 is that the original will never be updated again (you have to arm 7 patch the games or use the YsMenu (alternative firmware).
  5. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    I guess I'm the lucky one who got the only working R4 in the world. lol. What version of the firmware do you have? It will say in the bottom left corner when you boot up your DS. I think 1.18 is the newest. That's the version I have and I'm able to play every game without problems. A few months after I got my R4 I noticed I couldn't play 90% of new games, but then I realized all I had to do was update to the most recent firmware.
  6. stitcher1

    stitcher1 Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Hi i use the 1.18 I got talked into this one.I was happy with the supercard and got bambozeled by the kids and hubby. Hmmm never mind just have to see how it goes I suppose never mind. Thanks for all the help guys.

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