R4 SDHC problems

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by sonyphone, May 30, 2009.

  1. sonyphone

    sonyphone Member

    Nov 27, 2008
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    Please be gentle as I have just spent 2 hours trying to fix this, have read lots of threads but they have not helped.

    I have just taken delivery of an R4 SDHC card, I have tried lots of firmware but none of it works

    I just get a white screen with MENU in red.

    Am using a 1gb Kingston, sorry if I am being thick but the kids are driving me nuts lol
  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    I know and look at all the threads about this card

    There are 23 types of R4 a lot with similar names.

    The first things to try are
    1) format the card with panasonics sd formatter (free use google to find)
    2) Try all the different firmwares
    3) Extract them straight on to the card - not to your pc then transfer them.

    This has sorted maost people, if you are still at a loss go to gbatemp and look at the ysmenu firmware (in R4 forum) this WILL work

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