R4 - Some games work, most don't

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by VirgilX00, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. VirgilX00

    VirgilX00 Member

    Nov 21, 2010
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    this has been a problem for a long time. My first R4 was a clone and it would have the problem of not being able to play certain games do to it being Untitled. I did have verything right on the clone and I blamed the problem on the fact that it was a clone.

    now I have a new R4, the III. I just got it in the mail today and I know it is not a fake. I put the latest firmware on it and reformatted the card and it is having the same problem as the fake did. I know it has the latest firmware and I know the card has no bad sectors. I reformatted it 5 different times and the same problem persists. The card is a 4G SDHC SanDisk and it is formatted as FAT32.

    If no games worked, I would suspect bad sectors or bad firmware, but it's the fact that some games work and most do not. The ones that do work have a picture icon. The ones that do not have Untitled. I would suspect the roms too but i've tried many different roms. And it's not just new games, it's old games as well.

    I'm not positive what the firmware version is, I think it is 3.36 for the R4 III that IS compatible with SDHC. There is a firmware for version 4.04 and 4.03 but it is for a different R4, I even tried them anyways. The website is r4dsl.com I tried using YSMenu but it doesn't help anything either.

    that's all the details I can think of at the moment. But if there is someone that can please please help me with this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  2. VirgilX00

    VirgilX00 Member

    Nov 21, 2010
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    continuing to do research, I may have come up with a theory if anyone can help me by telling me if I am correct or not.

    now, in order to play a nds rom on an r4 it has to be patched? Yes? No? Because it strikes me as odd why so many are not working. Maybe because they were never patched?

    if this correct, can someone refer me to a patching program. The only one I found was NDSPatcher but it freezes every time I use it. Or is it supposed to be the arm7?
  3. GBX_Lee

    GBX_Lee Regular member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Wow,where did you get that cart? It must be a antique since I never heard that site before.

    Back to the topic , I suggest you just grab a new flashcart since it's very difficult to find suitable info about a outdated cart . I recommend Acekard 2i.

    The Acekard2i is an excellent cart with the use of the third party AKAIO firmware.

    - Great compatibility and supports patched games well
    - Inexpensive
    - Supports large MicroSD cards
    - Great cart for the cost

    This cart lacks all of the bells and whistles of the DSTwo but serves all the possible needs of somebody just looking to play DS games.
  4. pjmorie

    pjmorie Regular member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I think the R4 III is a clone of the DSTT so you could try and use the firmware, thanks to retrogamefan, at this link: http://filetrip.net/f22932-TTDS-EXT-INFO-SAV-v6-40.html
    After downloading and unzipping rename the TTMenu.dat file to TTMenu.nds and copy this and the TTMenu folder onto your SD card with the R4 III firmware. Hopefully when you now go into your list of games you will see 'TTMenu' in the list. Select this to launch the TTDS firmware and try and run the games from here.
  5. VirgilX00

    VirgilX00 Member

    Nov 21, 2010
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    tried to do what you said pjmorie but it's just stuck on a white screen with a small loading icon on the bottom left corner.
  6. pjmorie

    pjmorie Regular member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I had one of those R4 III Upgrade cards a while back and the TTDS firmware worked ok on it. That card was using firmware V3.09 which was last updated sometime in 2009. By using the TTDS firmware I was able to play around 99% of the latest games. Trouble is there are so many clones of the original R4 and of the clones themselves now available.

    This link: http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/ has firmware downloads for most of the flash cards but the R4III ones have not been updated for a long while.
    If your card has a website on it, which they usualy do, try and download the latest firmware from there.
    Are all of the roms unzipped .nds files? Have you tried them on another card? Have you tried re-downloading any of them?
    If you still have your original R4 card there is an alternative firmware called Wood ( http://filetrip.net/f23051-Wood-R4-v1-19.html ) which runs all current games but it is only for the original R4 card (or 1:1 clones of it). Remember the original R4 can only use a micro SD card up to a max of 2Gb.
    If you do decide to buy another card, as GBX_Lee said above, go for the Acekard 2i.
  7. Mickoz74

    Mickoz74 Active member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    R4 got so many problems, that is the problem you have, 43 different versions of R4 most fake Acekard 2i and M3i zero really the only way to go. I was a DSTT/DSTTI user i went to Acekard 2i akaio firmware never looked back
  8. VirgilX00

    VirgilX00 Member

    Nov 21, 2010
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    well if I go ahead and buy the acekart 2i, where is the best place to buy it from because I don't want to end up getting a clone for that too if they do exist.
  9. Mickoz74

    Mickoz74 Active member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    im in the UK and used ndscardshop.co.uk bought 4 of them so far they seem ok (akaio firmware is the best for it not the official) sakura for m3i zero. http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=21926 all the versions of firmware got from here

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