how do i put a theme on r4? i have these folders on my r4 imgview0.6 for r4 moonshell-1.5 shell system v 1.05 thanks
Depending on what Themes you want to change. Moonshell can have a theme put on it as well. R4- In the system folder there will be a folder called theme. In that folder there should be 12 folders called theme 01-12. Open one of those folders and delete what is in it. Then put the new theme stuff in there. On some of the R4 versions I know will only read a theme if it is one of these folders. In the moonshell folder there is a similar break down of folders that says theme or background that you can change. I don't use moonshell as its too much trouble to convert music when I can just use my Ipod instead.
there isnt a folder called theme inside the system folder??? i want to change the start up screen top and bottom. thanks
This is from a different post that explains how to do the background. You gotta take your Micro Card and place it into you computer, then explore the folder as mentioned above. You can also see this on your R4 if you click into the games folder, then hit the "select" button to change what the top screen veiws. You will see the contents of the card. There should be a folder named "THEME". The older versions of the R4 didn't have the ability to change themes. If you hit "select" on the main menu, can you cycle through themes? If you can't then you need to update your R4. They are up to version 1.11, so 1.05 is old.
ive got the 1.11 version now how do i install it? is it a case of taking the stuff you get with 1.11 and swapping it with the old stuff whats on my sd card? thanks
You can just replace the old stuff with the new stuff.. If you feel uncomfortable you can just back up your .sav and .nds files and then flash your card and put the new stuff on with yor old .sav and .nds cards.
cheers for all the help here ive now got the better firmware and can now put themes on thanks very much