R4DS help: black and green screens

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by vinuu, May 29, 2009.

  1. vinuu

    vinuu Member

    May 29, 2009
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    ok so uhhh i've got a R4DS and it's been working like a charm for a monthish now
    but today
    i was playing a game and my DS was on low batteries
    i turned off the DS then turned it back on again
    when i pressed the "Game" section on the opening menu of the R4 (where theres "game", "multimedia" and "boot slot-2")
    the top screen went black
    and the bottom screen went green
    i thought maybe "ok its probably because my DS is low on batteries"
    so i recharged it
    but it's not working still
    i tried removing files off the R4 memory to see if that worked.. didn't do a thing. I even removed the game i had been playing. nothing doing
    it does this black/green screen thing for both games and multimedia, but boot slot-2 works
    i'm getting stressed I don't know what to do
    I've looked briefly for anything about this but I couldn't see anything
    i dont know what to do. i tried blowing on the cartridge, DS etc.
    s so
    please if someone can help me
    i'd appreciate it MAJORLY thanks
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  2. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Backup everything on your SD, format it.

    Reload the firmware and one game - not the one you were last playing - see if that cures it.

    Remove the SD card and put the R4 in your DS without the card - anything? - if asks for sd then the card is OK - if its still the same then the cart has gone.
  3. vinuu

    vinuu Member

    May 29, 2009
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    I'm sorry..;; I'm really bad at computers and stuff so when you say "format" I'm not too sure what you mean......

    uhh but I put the R4 in without the memory card and it came up with the "Loading..." screen.. I.. guess that's a good thing? ehh.. i'm sorry i don't know if i'm explaining this situation well
    but im really stressed out about it so....

    I've been reinstalling things (like the kernel, whatever) but it just comes up with the "Loading.." screen forever.

    plus there's weird folders on the memory card that won't delete and no matter how many times i delete the files they keep coming back
    they say they're 0kb but i still want to get rid of them

    OKAY so i tried putting my old files on MINUS the folder with the games on it
    it didn't work
    so it's not the games causing the problem it's something else...........
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  4. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Connect the card to the computer, right click on the SD card and select format, complete the format - this will delete everything from the card. Start again.

    Something has corrupted your card, it may be a game or that you turned it off when it was trying to load.
  5. vinuu

    vinuu Member

    May 29, 2009
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    ok ok WOW ok i downloaded a newer kernel
    its loading up now
    and the game i put on it loads
    only problem is
    the loading screen shows no icons
    it has the words saying stuff like the time and what thing on the menu i'm hovering over
    but no icons

    well whatever
    i just tested out the games and they work
    so thank you so much!!
    ahh im so happy

    OK.. So.. because it's a 2g memory card i format it to fat(default), yes?

    and then.. i..
    Do I redownload firmware for it or put on some of my old files?

    (Sorry. I'm not very good at this sort of stuff)
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  6. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Fat = yes

    New firmware ideally but you may not get it to work - so always keep a backup

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