i just ordered a R4DS off dealextreame, can i get a idea of how long it will take to get to australia nsw because i heard they sometimes take a while, also, can somebody please tell me a good free internet explorer for r4 and a media player if i need to get one. thanks
1234aaron, By internet explorer, did you mean a file viewer to access your files contained within the micro SD card for your R4? As for your other question, R4 has Moonshell, built-in media player for your audio files and movies (movies need to be converted to .dpg format). Make sure you update your kernel to V1.12 when you receive it.
Thx for posting! I meant internet explorer as in software to surf the net An now that you mention it, does R4 it come with software to convert the videos or do i need to download a free converter off the net, if so, what one? thanks
personally i think the whole dpg. things a horror. i can never get it work for some reason, only once. but yes, you need a converter, and no it does not come with the r4. things like batchdgp are big known converters for dpg files. use the search bar for the websites, there have been numerous threads about them.
DS Organise (free homebrew) has a browser but it's not really clever enough for surfing. The official Nintendo Opera browser will run on the cartridge but you have to buy it anyway cos it uses a memory expansion. If you're gonna try watching videos on the DS then I hope you don't get bored with the time it takes to convert & transfer files. I couldn't be bothered tbh as you can't store that much video unless you have a very big memory card. R4 comes with moonshell which can be used to play mp3s which is handy enough though if you don't have a decent mp3 player already.
K, thx, have any idea how long it will take to get to NSW Australia? And if i download the opera browser, will it still run without the RAM expansion? just much slower? thx
dunno how long it'll take to get there m8 - never sent anything to Oz before lol... and no it won't run Opera without the expansion which was why I said you have to buy it . That is actually the only thing I bought for my DS outside of the R4. Also it's no good for surfing full sites either... way too slow. It's fine for sites that are optimised for portable devices though. I use it occasionally. If you surf on a regular computer you won't feel inclined to use your DS instead - it's a novelty more than anything. On the other hand - although it's doesn't have a great browser, the one in DS organise is still worth a look at and that program itself is very nice and a must have peice of kit.
Ok, Thx for the post, if anyone knows how long itle take, that would be great, ive also been lookin at this Gnirflo thing, i went to their homepage but i cand find a download link for it anywhere! thx
I just have a 1GB kingston card and we can get three full length movies on that. More than enough video for a day traveling in the car. How many more were you going to watch in one sitting? LOL.
Hey if you're happy with that then fine m8 - I have a PSP which does a better job with video, including streaming from my home server and can store more movies on a 4Gb card. I also have a pocket PVR which will do an even better job though it's an early model with only 20Gb but enough to carry maybe 30 full length movies. I also stream an unlimited amount of media from my server - thousands of music albums, video and satellite TV direct to my phone. That's why I said you can't store "that much video" - 3 is not really very much unless you only wanna access those 3 specific videos in the course of your experience... but hey - each to their own eh? LOL
See, that I don't get. If I'm at home, I'd watch stuff on a bigger screen, not on a DS or a PSP. My phones not that fancy and I can't imagine I could afford it if it was. Besides watching a movie on a phone strikes me as even worse than a DS or PSP or other little portable. See, now that is where a "limitation" becomes a "feature". Grin. I'm talking about letting an 8 year old use te DS to watch stuff in the back seat when we drive places. We limit his TV and video time, so I don't want him to have access to 30 streaming movies back to back to back. He'd be a zombie. With this arrangement he gets to choose what he wants (movies, music), we load it onto the card together, I know what he has and how much, and everybody is happy. Cool, man. Ain't technology grand?
Well tbh - of course I watch bigger screens at home as well m8 - I have a 32in LCD screwed to the bedroom wall lol, but sometimes I wanna soak in the bath and watch summat like say a half hour comedy show, and it's not really practical to do that with a big screen soaking up steam. Also I don't simply use the PSP to stream video - I listen to music or whatever. In any case it's still better than the DS for media even if you don't stream Watching vids on a phone and particularly TV is pretty nice especially when I'm at work and wanna catch up with news or watch the match or just chill. The video doesn't compare with the PSP but actually in addition to streaming compressed video, I can store up to 8Gb of high quality video on it and I'd say it's defo better than the DS. It will also connect directly to a TV and you get DVD quality. But no - it's not feasible to give an 8 year old a phone like that. My son is quite a bit older - 15, but has always had access to all the (suitable) media via his PSP or his PC or even on our wireless media centre in the lounge. Of course as a responsible parent it's been monitored. He doesn't sit hammering his PSP and watching videos excessively but he does generally choose when and what he wants to watch as long as he has no obligations like homework etc. The initial point I made was that the DS didn't hold enough, and you actually asked me how much I'd want to watch in one sitting... You didn't say, "How much will an 8 year old want to access?" - I just like to have the control and personal choice that a 1Gb DS doesn't offer. Technology is indeed wonderful and I exploit it to the full. As for "limitaion being a feature," - I really don't wanna have to go through that with my son. When we go away, I expect him to have chosen enough stuff to keep him happy without having to get involved and do extra tasks in preparation. A DS wouldn't be enough for him as far as media is concerned. The DS is a wonderful machine - I love mine but it's not the best solution for everything and that is a personal take on it based on how it fits in with everything else I have. If I didn't have all my toys then I would most certainly be converting movies for it as well as it would be my only choice and that's fair enough for anyone in that position. However, when lots of ppl have other options - portable dvd players, for example (which are cheap and common place), they aren't gonna enjoy using the DS for movies.
[quote}The DS is a wonderful machine - I love mine but it's not the best solution for everything [/quote] Oh I agree. When my boy is 15 I'll probably come knocking at your door trying to figure out how to do all that high tech streaming etc. LOL. It works for us, right now. He takes it places and being able to put stuff on the R4 gives him some new things and variety and helps keep it fresh. It's technology I can both afford and actually do. You are dead right about the choices. At some point, I will have provided enough guidance and his appetite for things will be large enough that the choices he makes will have to be his, but that is a discussion way above the DS or the PSP. Cool beans.
Well - as far as affording stuff is concerned. The PSPs & DS don't cost us anything. My phone would cost me a lot if I didn't have it on contract but is relatively cheap and it's tax deductable lol. I ain't made of money - I just spend it carefully hehe and things like the PSP and DS are worth so much more if you get the most you can out of them. I actually get frustrated when I see friends and relatives throwing so much money at these things. The DS is perfect for an 8 year old. It's pretty good for a 46 year old as well LOL
yupp, well i dont watch movies off r4 at home, i watch em in the car and stuff, one prob is that homebrew apps that use wifi wont connect to the offical nintendo wifi ubs connector, ive read tons of this and it says to turn it into a softap, done that a billion cozillion times and it dont work, can i fix it? (im 13 can u plz make it simple) and why can the homebrewers make their software compadible with the nintendo wifi connector? or can only nintendo do that?? plzzzz help, that ASUS is just to confussing, is there a program that can just change all the setting for me? i cant buy any wireless stuff, all games on R4 e.g. mariokart connect fine but not homebrew And i know i shouldnt ask this here but is their such thing as a Battery Life meter that tell me kinda the remaining time of my battery that i can download for R4? thx