I just bought a DS Lite and was wondering what the cheapest site to buy an R4DS would be that ships to Canada?
R4 doesnt support sdhc which means your stuck at a max of 2gb sd cards. If you want just games, 2gb is more then enough but if you want music and videos on it too you'll want to get something that supports sdhc such as the M3, DSTT, or CyclosDS
I'll probally only use 1gb or 2gb since I have my PSP for music and videos. How many games will 1gb be able to hold?
average game is usually around 32-64mb so thats around 16-32 games for 1gb (averaged based on 32 and 64mb games)
how many games can a 2GB r4ds card hold ? and what are the approximate Canadian prices ? ( for 1 GB & 2GB )
2gigs would hold about 32-64 games (with average games usually around 32-64mb) it varies ALOT cuz ive played games that were 8mb and games that were 128mb but if you want movies or music on your R4 a 2gb card will come in handy.