Hello there , im seeming to have a problem with ram in my emachine desktop ,, i forgot the model number and im at work but ill get it on here soon (sigh) it came with 2 , 512 sticks of ram , i installed one 1 gig stick and it made no change , so i figured it was uneven in the slots and only using 1 slot or only 512 off of the new stick , so i bought another gig for the other slot , installed it and still shows only to have 1 gig of ram. hmm ,, i tried unpluging the ram sticks one at a time ,, still shows 1 gig with either stick in . and i updated the bios just to be sure. still no luck , the machines specs say it can hold up to 2 gigs of ram. idk what else it could be , any suggestions?
T5212 Support Information link http://www.e4me.com/support/product_support.html?cat=Desktops&subcat=T Series&model=T5212 how many ram slots, 2 or 4? if only 1 1gig stick installed with no other ram, does it show 1gig or 512meg?
i got 2 slots on the machine , it originally had 2 512 sticks and now has two 1 gig sticks. i havent tried just using one 512 stick to see if itll show it going down to 512.
have you tried the 1st 1gig in each slot to see if shows up properly then do same with the 2nd 1gig to see if always see 1 gig when only 1 gig installed.
I would def try what ddp said, and see if one 512 stick picks up. But other then that, do you know what type of RAM you bought?
"Expandable to 2GB" - if the system has four slots, this means it can't recognise 1GB sticks, only 512s, so to have 2GB of RAM you will need to use 4x512MB, not 2x1GB.
Ah I see. That sentence didn't explicitly say to me that the system doesn't have another two empty slots. However, now reading makojuice's second post I see he only has two slots, it wasn't clear from the first.
thank you for all your help ,, im gonna keep messin with it when i get to my house and see if i can maybe figure it out. ill try to put in just 1 512 stick and see what happens , if it shows 512 at least ill know that windows is changing it whenever the ram changes .. ill keep yall posted if i can figure it out. thanks again
no no i started with 1 gig . was trying to get it too 2 gig or 1512 mb at first , just to up it. but it never went up with any combination. im gonna just stick one 512 in there to see if it shows it going down to make sure windows will show a change in ram period. i havent seen it move off of 1 gig yet is all. basicly an experiment i geuss.
ok i think i figured it out , im so dumb lol. its max expandable memory is 2 gigs. but im running xp media edition 32 bit and in order to get it too recognize more than 1 gig of memory i need the 64 bit version of windows xp or vista. thats got to be it im thinkin. once again thanks for all the help yall. i wonder if windows xp pro 64 bit is compatible with the pentium D prosseser i have though .. hmm.