i was bored, watching clips, and came up with this idea. share random videos you find around the internet, as long as they arnt too bad. i like this one, its a roman candle fight. you can hear them scream. http://stupidvideos.com/video/just_plain_stupid/Fireworks_Battle/
I don't see nothing anubis.Anyone else having the same problem?Man I really wanted to see that roman candle fight lol. Anywho.... kinda like a p2p for stupid but funny stuff.
it worked for me. its a quicktime video format. go to the site and search fireworks. post some you find too!
ok it worked this time.I kinda like the ladder jump.It's a good site.Thx. http://stupidvideos.com/video/stunts/ladder_jump_2/?p=0&y=0
it was ok. heres another one i enjoyed from there. http://stupidvideos.com/video/stunts/BMX_Jump/?p=5&y=0
this is a flash video making fun of half life 1. for those of us lucky enough to be graced by its gameplay, you will enjoy this little skit. http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/236929