Random Shutdowns, Please help

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Bitcount, Nov 3, 2003.

  1. Bitcount

    Bitcount Guest

    My computer is just truning off at random, i get no messages, no freezing. I have norton updated regularly and scan all the time. Is some sort of new worm? it sounds like msblast but does not fit the description entirly, any clues would be great. thanks in advance.
  2. Methos8

    Methos8 Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    This sounds like a power problem or overheating problem. Does it just power off by itself or does it restart?

    Most likely your PC is getting too hot and is shutting off due to overheating.

    Has this always happened or is it something that just started?
  3. Bitcount

    Bitcount Guest

    This just started 4 days ago, i have not changed my usage habits, or had any problems like this since i bought my machine 2 months ago.
  4. Methos8

    Methos8 Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    If you bought it 2 months ago then I suggest you take it back to where you bought it from and get them to look at as it should be under warrenty (at least I assume you would have got a warrenty).
  5. Bitcount

    Bitcount Guest

    actualy all my parts are new except for the fan, my pc temp hits around 55-60 degrees before it shuts down. looks like ill have to buy a new fan.
  6. Easycola

    Easycola Regular member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    Just a wild idea (thou am doubtfull about), but do you have shut down temp set via BIOS? This is one of those safety measures applied to new biosses, but if I remember right it ain't on by default (I could be wrong thou). If set e.g for 60 degrees, it would auto shutdown your pc to "prevent" damage. Just raise value a bit if so (65-70 maybe).
  7. Bitcount

    Bitcount Guest

    Forgive my ignorance, but, how would i go about doing this?
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Depends on the BIOS but look under the temperature settings and hardware alarms and such.
  9. cooljoe6

    cooljoe6 Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    I bet it isn't a hardware problem. What are your usage habits on the internet? Surfing the net is dangerous for anybody because viruses aren't the biggest problem. There are a whole slew of new ways to infiltrate your pc right now. I spend hours letting my pc get murdered just to know this stuff.

    The first thing I would do is rule out a hardware issue by reinstalling the OS. If it still exists then it's you pc hardware. I recommend doing a clean install and using Norton Ghost(or equilavant) and burning an image of the C: drive afterwards. The save the image on a cd or other partition alongside of Norton Ghost program. That way you can just revert back to a clean install in less than a couple of minutes. Works like a restore but WAYY BETTER. Restore doesn't fix all the system files and that's where most problems lie, in the Windows or WINNT directory.

    Check your MSCONFIG startup tab to see what is starting up. Open TASK manager to see what's running. If it isn't hardware then something has to be running in the task manager helping the crash. Upon restart there should be a DUMP file or dr watson running -- this means that the crash was due to software. ALSO, running programs ADAWARE, SPYBOT, and a program that will SHRED the temporary internet files might help get some little devils hiding out on your pc. It's my experience that you have to work to keep your system running if your using the net. You cannot surf without being violated. plain and simple.
    Reinstalling may work though , it's the quicker way to get to the problem, if you don't have a bunch of files to keep, i would. Maybe you can backup your mp3's and othe rstuff to a cd then reinstall. Hope this helps. GL

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