Does anybody know why 9 out of 10 rar archieve files I download with azureus end up corrupt. I almost always get this "CRC error file corrupt" thingy. I tried winace, izarc and winrar. Sometime (not often) I get IZARC to uncompress the files, but most of the time, it goes through the whole process to only see the uncompressed file name disappear from Explore when done. Winrar is even worst, one attempt it will tell me that file, let say, abcd.r15 is corrupt and the next time I try it will tell me that file abcd.r06 is coruupt but file r15 is fine. It is quite frustrating. Does anybody have any idea what is going on and what i can do to fix the problem?
try using a different server client first.If you still get the same problem you know then its probably going to be the program you are using to unrar them with
pierrrre I'm sure theres a program for fixing .rar files, QuickPar i can't remember if it worked for me but give it a try if you want to fix .rar files
Won't be able for a while. My computer went crazy on me after a defrag and I had to go to the ultimate solution....format c drive and reinstal everything. No repair, checkdisk, registry repair, system restore etc. would solve the problem. Will keep an eye on the problem and if it comes back, I will let you know. Thanks for your help anyway.