Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows where I can download cd covers for my back-ups of my cd covers. I've tried cdcovers.cc but while this is a good site for more popular cd's it isn't very good for my dance cd's. I'm looking for a site that'll allow me to download replacement/back-up covers for renaissance, global underground, northern exposure cd covers. These are for back-up copies and not simply for pirates. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Stuman
Do these need to be full size? Amazon sells at least some of what you wnat has has pics, just may be smaller than you want and will look bad after enlarged. You tried Google and then look at the pics?
That's what I've been doing up till now. I store my originals away though but would still like the tracklistings. I can't be bothered typing them all out in a poor font style with nero cover designer. Just doesn't look right and takes ages. cdcovers.cc has some but really very few. Any other suggestions?