If I have a ratdvd file that I suspect is in PAL is there a way to convert it to NTSC? Would I have to uncompress the ratdvd file with the ratdvd program and then convert the files to NTSC with some other program before I try to burn it onto DVD? I have several of these files from Europe (which is why I think they are in PAL) and I would like to be able to burn them onto DVD to watch in a stand alone DVD player here in the US. The files also contain subtitles and I have read some posts where it seems to be tricky preserving the subtitles when you convert from PAL to NTSC. I figured I would ask here first before I create more coasters from my DVDrs!
try coverting back to dvd with rat dvd then use the new dvd with nero to make a ntsc dvd, because if it is in pal nero will give you the option to keep it that way or change it to ntsc.
Does it? I know for sure that Nero 7 Ultimate did not do conversion. I do have 8 Ultimate, but haven't tried it with that one yet...
I am in europe and wanted to convert some PAL DVDs to NTSC to send to a mate in the states, but it proved quite difficult. Even bought some video-editing software which said on the box 'NTSC<>PAL' and when loaded up said nothing about such a conversion, neither did the manual. Luckily the store took the software back and I simply ordered my friend a 40 dollar dvd player from amazon.com which played PAL. Cheaper than the software, end of problem. I just checked and they have some 'Used & New' from 26 dollars.
go get 'convertxtodvd' by vso. They are online. The program will convert pal to ntsc (or vis-versa). Also preserves subtitle tracks, original menus...and will even compress a dual layer movie to single layer...all at the same time.