I use an MMD, which is why most of the stuff I've found is obsolete due to it being about M3 or R4DS. Also, do I need to patch them if I use Max Media, or is that just for the M3? -ddr-
But MMD does have a Slot-2 Card, doesn't it? The piece where you hold the CF goes into the GBA slot. What am I missing here?
Sorry, I was thinking of gamesn'music. Either way, it still can't run any GBA games, homebrew or otherwise, though it's listed as one of the features... >_<
Okay, so I can't use GBA games. That's alright. Tell me -- How can one get Lameboy working on an MMD? I have patched the latest version (0.8) from the default R4DS to Max Media Dock as it says in the readme and it won't run. I know it works because when I make the filename "bootme.nds" it runs -- And it runs great, nonetheless. Problem is that I get the typical red screen/white screen problem I see many people with MMD's get. Anybody know of a solution?