RCA DRC8005N, any reviews?

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by jjk454ss, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. jjk454ss

    jjk454ss Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    I saw this DVD recorder at Sam's Club for only $200.00. I usually don't just want the cheapest item I can find, but would like to know if anyone has used one of these, or knows how good they are. Compared to what I saw, even online, the price seems right.
  2. jjk454ss

    jjk454ss Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    Oh man, I don't want to be the first one here to try it out. I did find a couple reviews at videohelp, but they were very mixed. I think one excellent, one very poor, and one in the middle. I think for the price, I might just have to pick one up and give it a shot.
  3. GiaG

    GiaG Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Hi We have one...we bought it a little over a month ago. We've had problems with the unit locking up during it's finalization process and having to cut the power to get it open, to throw the disk we, wasted 2 hours recording, away. Also it will begin to record and then in the middle of the movie it'll give a disc error and just stop all together. We've cleaned it, kept a fan on it to be sure it's not over heating, tried different disc...took it back to the store and traded it in for a new one...still the same problems. We have a lot of VHS tapes that we are trying to convert...we've copied about 150 so far (some work in our other player...some don't) But we've had to throw out about 1 in 6 discs because of some random error. Thumbs down...we're taking ours back
  4. jjk454ss

    jjk454ss Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    OK, thank for the review. I am glad you wrote about the problems, I guess I will probably save up for a better one.

    I did read about different recorders liking different media, did you try different kinds of discs or only one? What kind or kinds did you try? Thanks
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2004
  5. GiaG

    GiaG Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    It uses +R or +RW. We used both types...the RW's are much more expensive. We are converting A LOT of tapes so we have been using primarily the +R's. We have used both Maxell and Memorex brands and have had the same problems regardless of which brand is in the recorder. We have been doing some research and from what we've found is that quite a few brands of recorders have the same problems...perhaps because the technology is new ...for home use, anyway. Hope this is helpful.
  6. jjk454ss

    jjk454ss Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    OK, thanks again.
  7. narnia777

    narnia777 Guest

    Sorry you bought a bad apple or a bad batch there.

    I bought one and it works just great, great quality, great price, great features. This is my 3rd recorder and it's the charm. Returned the other 2 brands I bought.

    So far I have only used the dvd+rw that it came with then I copy it on my computer and burn a +r for final archiving. Have you tried the recomended brands of media? I have tried Memorex dvd+r (only one) and it works fine. Memorex isn't on the list and neithor is Maxell I don't think.

    I do recomend this one. If it doesnt' work return it, Sam's is good about that.


  8. jjk454ss

    jjk454ss Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    Thanks for the info. I have been waiting, not sure what for, I guess I just can't decide. I went to Sam's yesterday, they still have the RCA, but they now have the Lite On 5015? I think that is the correct model number. Anyway, they have the Lite On DVD Recorder for $130 or $140.
  9. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     ... The machine at Sam's is a Lite-On LVW5101 and it records DVD+R/RW ... I don't know much about that particular model, but I have a Lite-On LVW5005 that I'm very happy with ...

     ... I can't even find the LVW5101 on the Lite-On users forum, apparently it is a Sam's exclusive ...

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]                 [​IMG]       
     . . . Of all the things in my life that I've lost . . . . . I miss my mind the most . . .[/small]
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2004
  10. mikmuller

    mikmuller Member

    Oct 13, 2004
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    does anyone here have the liteon lvw-5101? I'm thinking of buying it but need to ensure it works like a regular dvd r/w deck and can connect to a pc or a mac and used as an external drd r/w deck for burning video projects from imovie or whatever.


  11. narnia777

    narnia777 Guest

    I returned the liteon and got the rca. The liteon does not have a TBC in it and the encoding quality was terrible compared to the rca. Plus the colors were skewed a bit to green compared to the original source.

    the rca is better in my opinion.

  12. rimland

    rimland Guest

    My 1st 5101 from Sam's is working fine.
    Be sure to set the recording mode as high as you can stand. As an example, HQ mode is only 1 hr of recording time but the pic is great.
    I also got Sam's 3 yr extended warrany for $14 so if this thing turns to junk I can start over

    Well here's the bad news. The only DVD +RW that plays on my Sony DVD player is the one that came w/ the Liteon unit. I've tried memorex and even sony dvd +rw blanks. I'm returning the unit to Sam's.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2004
  13. cakoppel

    cakoppel Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Help Help - I use the RCA recorder, but cannot get them to play in other DVD players. Am I missing the step to finialize the Disk. I cannot find out how to finalize the disk in the instructions. This is driving me insane!

    Oops - I found it. After finializing, I will see if I like the quality
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2004

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