I looked at 100 threads I cant find help Hello, All my stuff is plugged into an outlet that has a switch connected that turns everything off well I turned it off by mistake and now my TV has lines going from side to side the pic is kinda still there but impossable to see. Is there a Reset button inside TVs? Did my Pic. Tube blow? If it was a fuse would my tv still turn on? I know its the TV not anything else! any info would be nice Thank you
do you have a compact florescent light near or on your tv?? also if any speaker, move them away from the tv.
I dont have the manual and the manual never helps with anything you look in the trouble shooting guide and it says make shure your TV is pluged in and stupid stuff like that! @ddp Thanks for the help (I see your posts everywhere) I do have speakers all over the place but it was never a problem before but I will check it out. I was hopeing maybe someone that had the same problem would pass by. Next step is to take it apart and look around I got books that will tell me whats going on. Thank You
Its pretty old. I pluged it in with out the cable an its normal white snow but it has 2 inch black bars going up and down on each side. then when cable is pluged in there is many lines going side to side and it scrolls up and down and its all fuzzy looking. I was reading A TV help website thing and it said a problem something like this could be do to dust. Thanks again