Hey all; I have taken a 80 GB Maxtor HD out of my moded XBox and want to use it in my PC as a back-up HD. I can not figure out how to re-format it so my PC will recognize it. My PC see's that it is there as a new hardware add, but I can not format it and assign a new drive designation. Does anyone have a software link that will read a HD formated for xbox so I can re-format it to be read by my PC? I have tried, & tried but can't figure it out. Can anyone spell it out for me? A software link and some direction would be very helpfull!! Thanks GIJOE
you could hook it up as the sole hdd in your compie, then reformat it with a windows 98 disc. www.bootdisk.com should have something for you.
I'm running XP PRo...could I use that boot disk and try hooking it up as my Primary IDE and format it then? GIJOE
should work. run the fdisk to format the drive, then partition it as you want. hook it back up as a slave and i think you'll be good to go.