i've just stuffed up my pc pretty bad (i downloaded a dodgy attatchment and it screwed up my pc, tried to use system restore-that stuffed up halway thru. had to restart pc and now my pc is stuffed). but anyway. i'm going to (hopefully) reformat my pc. i ahev backed up all my files and i have all the drivers for my hardware (graphics card, printer etc), is there anything else i need to do? i have been reading guides saying u need a boot disc, on a floppy disc, wots that alla bout. i thought i could just restart the pc with the xp (pro) disc in the drive and follow instructions. i no nothing with computers is that easy so i thought i'd ask for some help. so please if u can...help me, thanks in advance
you are correct, just set in bios to first boot=cd Windows will ask where you want to install and whether you want to format first or not
oh ok. cool. how do i "just set in bios to first boot=cd" sorry for the weird question. thanks for replying
when your computer first starts up you just have to press f2 or del depending on what key acceses the system setup.
Ok then you got me hooked on the BIOS password thing there! What's going on there then? Can you get into a BIOS that is password protected? A curious Pulsar
i thought i could just restart the pc with the xp (pro) disc in the drive and follow instructions. i no nothing with computers is that easy so i thought i'd ask for some help lol, installing windows is probably the easiest thing to do with your pc. it's once windows is installed your troubles begin