RE: Hitman 2 for PC Backup

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by JJ81_69, Aug 29, 2003.

  1. JJ81_69

    JJ81_69 Member

    Aug 29, 2003
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    Hi, im having problems with backingup Hitman 2 for PC. I've done a fairly good backup via BlindWrite onto a CDRW, and have installed it. However when i do try to play it, for the most part, i get stuck on the loading part for the game. The CD icon spins for like 2 mins and then nothing happens. Rarely, will the backedup copy actually work (i've tried like maybe 20 times, only twice did it actually work).

    I was just wondering if either i copied it wrong? or my cd drive cant handle reading the backed up copy? But how could this be, it did work twice!!! I used the following info to backup via blindwrite ... ... and i have a samsung cdrw drive.

    I would appreciate any insight on this matter, or possibly any alternatives to get around this problem.
  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    No wonder you're in a mess m8, that guide is literally [bold] usless! [/bold] No need to "enhance weak sectors" for backing up SecuROM 4.8.x. Use "enhance weak sectors" if you have a "1 sheep burner" for backing up Safedisc 2.x, [bold] not SecuROM 4.8..x [/bold]
    Try Blindwrite Suite 4.25? Did you create more than 1 bwa file? Try the CloneCD\TwinPeak Tool a try.

    Shoey :)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
    Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712
    CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+
    Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700)
    nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x
    Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd
    DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H
    CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2003
  3. JJ81_69

    JJ81_69 Member

    Aug 29, 2003
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    Thanxs Shoey, your suggestion and guide helped and worked!!! But i have question regarding the process ...

    during the BWABuilder part, my graph had a couple of spikes, will this affect the gameplay or cause errors?

    Anyways thanxs again, now i gotta try backing up GTA3, Sims, AVP2, JediOutcast2, & Mafia. If i got any problems i know were to post. Thanxs.

  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    You won't know until you burn the Hitman 2 SecuROM 4.8.x image+ bwa file m8. If the backup spins up in your dvd\cd-rom there "shouldn't" be any gameplay problems. Be sure you've updated your video card drivers and using the latest DirectX.

    Mikersoft DirextX 9.0b full install

    Shoey :)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
    Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712
    CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+
    Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700)
    nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x
    Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd
    DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H
    CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2003
  5. JJ81_69

    JJ81_69 Member

    Aug 29, 2003
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    Yeah your method worked 100%, fast cue up too.

    thanxs for the directX update link

  6. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Always good to hear when a backup is successful, especialy dealing with SecuROM 4.8.x. Did you try and launch your "install disc" backup in your dvd\cd-rom and see if it would play? Just curious m8.

    Shoey :)
  7. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    How fast where you reading the BWA at? Usually I never have any issues if i read it at something like 12X... heck 12X is plenty fast for scanning a CD... dont ever take much more than 5 minutes to read the thing anyways.

    Also Jedi Knight 2 has poo protection. Really its a simply-clicky no-brainer job for CloneCD.
  8. JJ81_69

    JJ81_69 Member

    Aug 29, 2003
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    Hey Shoey, & Praetor. I uninstalled my previous hitman 2 and loaded the backedup version, with no probs. Althrough i have noticed that the backed up copy tends to crash, but then again i havent played the backed up copy too much to tell if the crashing is consistent. I've played the backed up version 5 times, it crashed twice.

    Maybe the crashes are due to the spikey BWAbuilder graph? I was following that forum that Shoey pointed out to me. I tried reading the file @ 8,4,2 speeds. None were totally smooth, i'd have a bunch of spikes close togther, then smooth, then some spikes. I think 4 was the worst one, too much variability. Is there anyway to save those graphs?

    I didn't try converting an .mds file created by alcohol. Does this usually provide a smoother curve?

    Anyways i'll catch u guys later, I gotta try to backup more of my stuff. Good to hear that JK2 has poo protection, i love that game. It would be pretty difficult if u guys werent around, lol, cheers.

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2003
  9. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    It's possible m8. I hope you burned your backup slow (8x)? Create another bwa file from a different drive (if applicable). Also, try mounting the image using a virtual stealth drive and play (DAEMON Tools or Alcohol 120%) and burn another backup ("play disc")see if you encounter the same playback problems.

    No need to create an .mdf file m8. This is in referance to those who've download a SecuROM 4.8.x Alcohol 120% image (.mdf, .mds)

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2003
  10. JJ81_69

    JJ81_69 Member

    Aug 29, 2003
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    Im pretty much limited with my current drive at the moment.

    I have DAEMON Tools, but im not really familiar as to how to use it in conjunction with the backing up process. Any link on further info would be useful.

    Also how do i mount a virtual stealth drive?

  11. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Daemon Tools is a program "primarily" designed to play backups of pc\audio cd protection. You can burn from a created virtual stealth drive (bin& cue) if you wan't to. After installing Daemon Tools, be sure that Daemon Tools is running in system tray (startup). Right click the Daemon Tools icon>virtual cd-rom>and set the numer of virtual stealth drives (1-4). Now locate the image you created (or downloaded) on your hd and "mount". For now, enable all emualtion and play the mounted imaged from your virtual stealth drive you created.

    Shoey :)

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