I mistakingly imported a disc to the dvd9 size. I now want to re-import the disc to the dvd5 size, but everytime I try to re-import at dvd5, it will not re-import from the disc to the new size. It is as if it is pulling from a cache, or temp file. What can I do to correct this? Thanks.
I am not sure that I understand what the problem is. You open Nero Recode. Choose Main Movie or Full disc; Import the Video_Ts from your originl source; Nero already analyzed that movie, so it remembers it; its okay,no problem, just adjust the target size, change to DVD 5. I am not sure what your concern is.
When I do that it just hilites everything above 4.7 in red and gives me an error saying that it cannot fit the data on the disc, due to it's 7.9G size. So, I try to re-import it, so that it will import it in as a 4.7g sized file, but it will not actually import from the disc again.
Never mind, found the temp files in the "C:\ProgramData\Nero\Nero8\Nero Recode" directory and deleted them. Re-imported fine.