hey guys, i have a pair of old speakers that i dont really have any use for anymore cause i got new ones recently. i was wondering if there was any way i could re-wire them to be a standard head phone jack so that i could just plug it into my mp3 player. -thanks
@ najohodo don't mean to be rude, but uh, if you can't answer a question, you don't need to post that you can't. unless you have some input or suggestions...just saying. what kind of speakers are they? if they are plain old stand alone speakers, with no internal amplifiers or anything, then you will not be able to connect them to your mp3 player. wiring wise yes, its possible, but your portable mp3 player puts out about 100 to 250 mW of power, which is way way way insufficient to power speakers. if you have an extra amp lying around that can go between them, then you would be able to use.
wel i was looking at a velleman k8066, but i was wondering if there was a way to do it without that. i know that the speaker that was taken out of a computer speaker would need more power to actually be able to be used, but i have one that ripped out of a 2 way radio...think i could use that without an amp?
if you are talking about a small 2" woofer by itself, you would probably be able to get some sound out of it, but I doubt it would be very loud. I thought you were imlpying you had large stereo speakers. if it is a small woofer it will probably work, but like I said the amps in portable devices aren't very powerful. the easiest way to hook it up would be to find an old pair of headphones you don't need anymore. cut the wire at the headphones, so you have a cable with the 1/8" plug on it. now when you strip the cable, you should have two pairs of wires. one for left, one for right. you only need to use one pair. typically there is a strand of wires with a smaller insulated wire inside. that inside wire is the positive connection, so connect that to the + terminal of the speaker, and the other to the - terminal. that should be all you really need. another option is to buy the 1/8" stereo plug itself from an electronic store, then solder two leads coming off of it to the speaker. the tip and center are left/right, ring (bottom) is ground.
well i did stip some head fone things, but there are 3 wires so i dont know which ones to connect. there are 2 comming from the speaker and 3 from the head fone line...so i dont know...stip one ur self and youll see what im talking about
one is for ground (negative) and the other two are positive for left and right. there should be two that are in insulated cables, and the third not, correct? please describe what they look like so I can better help you.
well the one that i striped was the kind where there wasnt 2 cables but it was 3 wires inside one cable. one is green another is red and another is orange. i figured that one was negitive and one was positive, but i dont know which ones...they also seem pretty heavily insulated...heres what i have to work with:
use the cable in the middle with the 90 degree connector on it. you should be able to strip that cable into two separate cables. just use one of them. strip that cable, and inside should be a second insulated wire. that is positive, the outside one is negative. if you have a multimeter just use that to check continuity to see what leads go to where.