I recently down loaded dvdinfoPro as iv'e had problems with the playback of my DVDs I checked 1 DVD that i had done and it had over 800 read errors what causes this and does this mean that the dvd would be unwatchable as i need to check all my other DVDs and if they have untold read errors i can recopy them...THANKS
greetings zany.......... you dont say how you did you back-ups. if you have the disc there, then it it is easy....... shrink.........then decypter.......both free......look up for the software tab, then the guides viper
ps sorry if that seemed a bit harsh zany....... but we all have to read up a bit around these parts good luck viper
When i back up my movies i use shrink then burn them with nero but the q i'm asking is why am i getting so many read errors and what causes this and does this mean that the dvd would be unwatchable