i bought Tony hawks underground 2 right , putting my face in the game , but i cant , and i cant change the settings cuase 4 some reason all he folders are read-only , i kno its 2 do with it being read only becuase wen i tried 2 put my face in the game it said somthin like "could not be writin" . so ow do i disable this cuase it doesnt work wen i goto properties and unhighlight read-only cuase wen i open properties again ITS READ ONLY! . PLZ help
Well, maybe if you paid people to be at your 'beck and call' then you would get more responses...........LMAO............ Something you have to realise, people are here on their own time to pool their knowledge and helping others out. Just because no-one has answered your thread, doesn't mean people are just ignoring it. Maybe they have no experience with what you are asking (like me). You would probably be more suited to ask this question with the support email you received with the game, and also reading the manual, and maybe trying to do a search a google, or maybe trying to locate a forum dedicated to this feature.