Read rate problem.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Kyosuke, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. Kyosuke

    Kyosuke Member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    I seem to be having a problem with the read rate of my dvd drive. I have tried using different programs to rip the dvds (dvdshrink, dvd decrypter) but it suddenly went from taking 40 to 50 mins to rip and burn a copy to almost 3 hours. It is now taking 2 hours to rip a copy and then another 30 mins to burn it. I don't mind how long it is taking to burn it but I did not change anything in the settings for the programs nor in the drive itself. Dvd Decrypter said my drive was reading at like 1.5x speed. I have a Lite On 401-S, with 1 gig of DDR RAM, 2100+ althlon processor and both of my HDs run at 7200 RPM. If someone can give me an idea as to why it would slow down like that and how to fix it I would really appreciate it. I have searched the boards and found other threads like the one im posting but I have not found a "fix" that works.

  2. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Did the ripping time change for the same DVD? Some DVDs take a whole lot longer to rip than others, depending on the size, setup, protections, macrovisions, etc.
    The 30 min for burning is absolutely normal for 2x burning.
    Also, 3 hours to rip, compress (with Deep Analysis on) and burn is not unusual either, I'd say unless the original is a DVD-5 (thus no compression needed) the 40 to 50 minutes sound way more unrealistic to me...
    Well, I hope this helps.
  3. Doofy

    Doofy Regular member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Could be the dma settings, as for the post above why does 40 -50 mins sound unrealistic? i back up dual layer dvds the entire disc in roughly that time and below. I usually decrypt to my hard drive then shrink and burn it whole process takes under 1 hour everytime, no matter what disc i am backing up

  4. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi Kyosuke, This may help if you are using the new DVDshrink version 3.14 and have selected the auto burn with Nero feature. There is a slight conflict between the 2 programs. When auto burn is selected, there is a problem in Nero that makes dvd drives rip at about 1x speed. Nero is suppose to fix it in the next release. They suggest un-checking the auto burn block for now and burn with Nero the old way like with version 3.0 beta.
  5. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    On my computer (2.6GHz, 512MB memory) the DVD Shrink Deep Analysis takes about 1 hour, the encoding another hour and the burning 30 minutes with 2x (15 min with 4x, but I found that the 2x burns work better on standalone players).

    After reading your post Doofy I'm beginning to think that I might be having the same problem as Kyosuke if all you guys out there make your backups in less than an hour!!! Are we talking about full backups (including menus & extras) with acceptable quality and all this in less than one hour??? What program are you compressing with? DVD2One? DVD2One is faster than Shrink, but in my opinion the quality is usually worse on my 18" flat screen.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2004
  6. Doofy

    Doofy Regular member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    For example i have just backed up my Kids copy of piglets big movie it was a full disc back up menus extras the lot. i decrypted it to my hard drive in just
    over 10 mins and shrunk analysed and reencoded in just over 35 mins + 15 mins for the actual burn, i have never had a problem with play back when burning at 4x
    but maybe i am just being lucky with that one. all my backups play on all 3 of my standalones and they have all been burnt at 4x and the last few have labels printed on, (not stick on labels) and no probs whatsoever
  7. Kyosuke

    Kyosuke Member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    I used to be able to backup an entire disk DVD 9 or 5 in less than an hour. I was also using DVD X Copy to do most of it. Unless it had an issue with the disk then I would use DVD43 and Intervideo to shrink and burn the disk.
    As for my DMA settings, I have tried different settings but it doesn't seem to affect anything. And when I was messing around with DVDShrink and Nero it did burn one of the DVDs at 1x, that had to be the longest time I have ever seen a DVD burn it was close to 3 hours!
    It seems that it has to be a setting with the computer, because no matter what program I try almost all DVDs 5 or 9 still take 2+ hours to rip onto my HD.

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