Say I have 1 AVI file.. it wouldnt fit on one CD R so what steps would i need to do to split them. Pleas epost the program used inorder to create a perfect vcd. and In order I Mean, the first program that will split them, secdont that will convert them, third that will burn them.. I am looking for all freeware programs .. thanks.
The data are insufficient. I assume that the length (in minutes) of that movie is > 80'. You must choose an encoder. For VCD (MPEG-1) TMPGenc is free, since you need to register only if you want to load/create MPEG-2 (DVD or SVCD) files. First, load that AVI with VitualDub. Do you receive any warnings about 'improper VBR rate'? If so, set Audio__Full processing mode and do File___Save WAV. If not, go on. Please note: the WAV must be a 'real WAV file'. If its size is less than 10.1 MB x length (in min) you have AC3 sound and should read the FAQ. 1) Start the wizard. Choose your template (VCD NTSC or PAL) 2) Load the AVI 3) click [next] till last step, where you have uncheck [start enncoding immediately]. 4) If you receive the VirtualDub's error, load the WAV you just made as 'audio input' 5) Press [settings] - Set , on Video, [bold]Motion Search Precision [/bold] = 'Very High Quality (very slow)' - Set, on Advanced, [bold]Video Arrange Method [/bold] = 'Fill screen (keep aspectt ratio)' 6) Click, on Video__Advanced, 'Source Range'. Choose a split frame so that any piece is < 80' and the image changes between frame F and frame F+1 (and the dialogue is not running). Choose Start Frame = 0; End Frame = F. OK and go to the main creen. Change in movie_CD1.mpg the output file name, in the 1st screen. Save the project (File___Save Project). Do again Settings__Advanced__Source range. Choose Start Frame = F+1; End Frame = -1 (the end). Again, OK and File___Save Project. Now you'll have the movie_CD1.tpr and movie_CD2.tpr project saved on your PC. Now do File___Batch Encode, load the 2 project and click 'Run'; go to sleep or out with your friends. When TMPGenc ends, you'll have 2 mpg files < 800 MB , movie_CD1.mpg and movie_CD2,mpg provided that the piece of the movie you choose are < 80'. Author the VCD with VCDEasy, Nero or VCDGear. VCDGear is free but you'll lose the possibility to jump to a certain moment of the movie (like if you viewed only the first 40' of the movie then stopped). If you use VCDEasy or Nero you can also add an 'Please Insert Disc 2' image (a .BMP in Nero, a MPEG Still made with VCDEasy__Tools loading the proper bitmap) at the and of movie_CD1. Is everything fine, now?
Hi, Thanks but I amg etting the following errors: If I try to open the .AVI with virtualdub, it says: "couldnt locate decompressor for format 'MP43'" and if i try to open with tmpgenc then it says "video file unsupported"
Well me being smart, i thought that wow, it dosnt even have the codec. *note: i still dont know what codecs do. SO, i went in teh software section of afterdawn, and downlaoded K-Lite full.l when it was installing I had to go through the options (of what is is gonna install) and carefully pick out the most things that seemed common to me, and i would use. and there it was. Microsfot Mpeg4. and it was unchecked, and so i checked it, and it instsalled, and now im encoding. It works on both virtual dub, and tmpgenc.!!