Real newbie who is struggling

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by trvlnut, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. trvlnut

    trvlnut Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Well, I'm sure for most of you, these questions are pretty stupid. Let me preface by saying that I have looked everywhere. Googled, searched numerous websites and I still haven't figured this out.

    I have just purchased the M3 lite and I loaded the newest firmware on DSL and PC.

    1. Can't get any .dpg to play. When I go into the menu on the dsl, I select movies and the GUI just blinks.

    2. I have tried to put the newest version of moonshell on my ds, but as far as I have gotten is to run the set-up on the pc. Should I be running it on the DS?

    2. I have purchased some games that I want to back-up so that I may put those on my MicroSD. I can't for the life of me figure out how I copy or backup my DS cart. I'm sure I'm missing something.

    Please help..Very frustrated.

  2. Ktzero3

    Ktzero3 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    1. Did you update your M3 firmware on their website? (
    2. You run the setup on the PC and click your microSD destination in the first step... then all the files should be copied onto your microSD, and you put that into your M3 and run the correct .nds file.
    3. To copy DS carts you must have something to read it. It is easier to just download the ROMs off the internet using a torrent website like
  3. trvlnut

    trvlnut Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Thanks so much for the quick response.

    I did update the M3 firmware.

    I just got the video to play. I was using the GBA cart menu when I should have been using the ds menu.

    Still not quite sure how to put the newest moonshell on the dsl. There are so many files to download.

    If I wanted to buy a reader, where could I buy one of those?

    I will check the website.

    Thanks again
  4. Ktzero3

    Ktzero3 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    I don't think DS cart readers are commercially available... Just like how you can't find a GBA/N64/Sega Genesis cart reader.

    Torrenting ROMs is much easier than ripping your own ROMs. If you don't know how torrent works there should be a FAQ somewhere on the AfterDawn main site explaining it.

    As for moonshell... Yes, it is fairly unintuitive. I managed to figure it out yesterday, so I will try to guide you through.

    1. Go here:
    2. Download
    3. Extract
    4. Double click Setup.exe
    5. Click English, OK.
    6. Select the drive that contains your microSD, OK.
    7. Uncheck everything under "ROM image" that does NOT apply to you. (You would probably only have "The NDS file for M3/SD series is copied." checked)
    8. Check everything under "Configuration files" except "Resume function is made effective"
    9. Choose your clock if you want.
    10. Change your language settings if you want to play songs that contain characters from other languages. Leave alone if you don't know what I'm talking about.
    11. Click setup.
    12. You are done. Put microSD into your M3, boot up your DS, select the _BOOTsomething.nds file and moonshell should load.
  5. trvlnut

    trvlnut Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Thanks Kzero3. I will try the moonshell tomorrow, since I need to work now. The instructions you gave were exactly what I was looking for.

    I was hoping to get my own card reader since I don't like to download many files because of viruses. Oh well, guess I better get a virus program. Yes, I don't have a virus program. The only things I normally download are emailed to me and I use yahoo. It has a virus program.
  6. pakixd

    pakixd Regular member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    um... moonshell is built into the M3.. choose "extend" on the main screen when in DS mode and you'll launch M3's modified moonshell

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