I am about to install kubuntu.......but i was wondering what a swap partition does and do i need it? Oh i also have ubuntu..but i don't know which is easy for a beginner
Linux SWAP partition is used for page swaping. In few words - swap partition is a virtual memory. XP uses file "pagefile.sys", WIN9x use file "win386.swp", Linux uses separate partition. In Linux your virtual memory size is limited to SWAP partitions size, on M$ systems virtual memeory is limited to free space on the drive that system uses for swap file. The size of the SWAP prtition depends on how much ram you have and how much ram you (your system) are going to use. For me 512 Mbytes for SWAP is ok.
Ok i changed it around so it detected it......But now i used partition magic and made 18 gigs of free space on no partition............But when i go through the instalation it doesn't locate my free space
It can't find my Graphics card on the xserver I typed in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg And when throught setup but still didn't work I have an Asus ATI Radeon EAX1600