OK, so I recently built my own PC, and most of the parts I bought were from tigerdirect.com. Now most of those parts came with rebates, which at the time I thought was a sweet deal. Well they use a 3rd party rebate company (onrebate.com) and I am now developing a severe hatred for them. I bought 2 RAM sticks, a CPU, a hard drive, and a power supply which all came with rebates (supposedly) and should've totaled $250. They only wanted to honor $40 worth of rebates, those swindling bastards! I couldn't get the rebates on both RAM sticks, 1 rebate per customer for that no matter how many you buy. Would've been nice if they would've mentioned that in the listing, as most people buy RAM in pairs. Everything else they said got denied because of "insufficient documentation - no UPC." Well I usually send the original UPC, so I can't exactly send them another copy of it. The CPU was the big one at $100. That got me on the phone and screaming at people and their supervisors. While I was at it I also mentioned the hard drive rebate. Over the phone they said they would honor that one because "they didn't need a UPC for that one." Well why the f*** did it get denied because I supposedly didn't send a UPC then? For the CPU I had to take it up with tigerdirect, and they gave me a credit I have to use within the next 5 days. That's not exactly what I had in mind to do with that $100, but now I gotta get another $30 out of them for the PSU. So here's a warning to all: [bold]WHEN BUYING FROM TIGERDIRECT, IF THERE'S A REBATE, KEEP EXTRA COPIES OF EVERYTHING YOU SEND AND BE PREPARED FOR A BIG HEADACHE![/bold] That's all for today folks. P.S. If anyone has a UPC for an Ultra X-Connect 500W power supply, can I get a copy of it?
Rebates are such a crock. If they want you to save money then knock the friggin price down in the store. Sorry for your troubles squizzle
Oh good GRIEF!!! And here I was going to build my pc from there parts that they sold. Oh well. Sorry about all the trouble you had squizzle, hopefully, you will have better luck in the future with a different company.
I wonder if they just do that to people who send the original UPC, just because they know you're not going to have another copy of it. They can't just do that to everybody, they wouldn't be able to stay in business, wouldn't you think? I'm very tempted to contact the Better Business Bureau.
I think I will. It looks like tigerdirect is going to give me a credit for the PSU rebate. Now I'm looking into home audio systems, but I'm an audiophile and tigerdirect just doesn't cut it for me. I'll just have to get something to pacify me until I can afford the $5 or 6000 I really want to spend on it.
I used to always buy from TigerDirect. I use to swear by them, now I just swear at them for similar reasons stated above. Like Neph said I hate rebates and trying to get them is almost impossible. No matter what you do paperwork wise it isn't right. Their shipping charges are also out of the ball park. Have been dealing with NewEgg lately. Jerry
I feel your pain squizzle, I have not dealt with Tiger Direct in years, because of problems. Used to get parts from my nephew who got them wholesale, but he no longer works for comp company so now I too deal with NewEgg, or Walmart lol. Hope you get it straightened out
I have newegg shirts, pens, stickers and various other freebies so you can probably guess where I buy all my PC components
well I sure learned my lesson the hard way. But sometimes that's the best way. When I spend my $130 in credit there I'll be damn sure whatever I get doesn't come with a rebate. Or maybe I'll make sure it does come with a rebate and send them like 100 copies of the UPC. Then let them say they didn't get one!
Raising my hand also with the Newegg.com way of purchasing. I had only one problem with Newegg about a rebate on a Soyo MB that was actually only $5 after rebates. The $5 was the shipping charge. It took me over 6 months but I got the 2 rebates from SOYO after all with many emails and phone calls to Newegg. Just wore my Newegg baseball cap today as a matter of fact!!! LOL
I've a newegg baseball hat too The only problem I had with newegg wasn't really a problem with them. A video card I bought from them took a dump six months after I bought it. The RMA process was dead easy and done online. The card I bought wasn't offered any longer so they gave me a choice of comparable cards and within a week and a half I had my new card installed. No phone calls no repeat emails or any other sort of hassle
I agree Squizzle but it was a rebate from SOYO and not Newegg.com. Actually Newegg was the one that put pressure on SOYO which in turn got me the rebates I applied for. I've purchased over $2,500 from Newegg over the last 1 1/2 years and always got what was promised. Edit text to 1 1/2 years.
The junk PC I have set up for burning runs a AMD 1.3gig cpu. I think I must have overworked it and given it a headache. Its starting to overheat at times and shuts down so I just ordered a AMD 1.8gig to replace it plus an extra slot fan. I may build another main PC this summer and transfer burning to my 2.8 gig system. But the old one keeps on going so unless I fry it completely I'll keep using iy for now. The new processor and fans are coming from NewEgg hopefully early next week. Jerry
that 1.3GHz should be fast enough. I was using a 600MHz in a laptop for a while. Took forever (like 4 hours with Shrink), but did its job.
The 1.3 gig does a great job. I just think its getting old. Its been in 3 different PCs. Since I had to replace it I ordered the 1.8gig. I think thats about the max for the MB in the old PC. Jerry
Hey Squizzle, Try this: Call back both Tiger Direct and their rebate "fullfillment" service. But before you do this go and save the web pages with the items that have rebates exactly as they appear. You can use the save as .mht file option under Explorers FILE menu to do this. When you call them, tell them you have saved out and printed out the web pages that advertise the items in question. Tell them you are very upset about not seeing any rebate limit mentioned in the ad and you are considering filing a FEDERAL TRADE COMMISION complaint, and contacting the credit card companies regarding their practice. This should get their attention and you may get your rebate. I too am having problems with Tiger Direct and also Frys Electronics rebates. Beware of any item that comes out costing nothing after rebate. I ordered FRS Radios from Frys 2 years ago and they owed me $75 in rebates. Now I understand the radio mfgr went out of business. One other option you may have is to contact your credit card co. I am assuming you paid with credit card??? They may let you return the items and receive a complete charge back. This doesn't apply to debit cards. Always try and use a credit card when doing mail order purchases with companies. You have many more rights than with other means of payment. And if something came thru the US mail you can always file a MAIL FRAUD complaint at your local post office. Good Luck! Let us know what happens. gary
well, I'm sick of the frustration of this. Remember, it's not just one rebate but 5 rebates. Now I have other headaches. Apparantly American Homeowners Association got a hold of my credit card info somehow and I have a $10 charge from them. I called them and told them to refund me, they said they would, but they only refunded me $2. I don't know where they learned their math, but it wasn't on this planet. What scares me is how did they get my credit card info? I have never dealt with them ever in my life for anything. This stupid shit just pisses me off royally.