Where does Dvd Shrinks store the analysis when it does the decryption the first time. It automaticly recognizes the disc and I want to delete the first decrytion because I think there was an errror there. I just can not find on my system where it puts all of those analysis from the movies I have burned. Help please.
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\DVD Shrink It is a hidden folder. If you don't see it, Tools > Folder Options > View tab > Show hidden files and folders.
sorry to "hijack" or "pirate" this thread (what's the term???), but wow, I had no idea Shrink did this. I just checked and that folder is chock-full of stuff (hundreds of files). Is there any reason I should keep this info? What's it for, anyway? I like to understand the logic of what I'm doing (or my programs are doing) as well as be able to do them. Thanks!
I don't think the problem would be in the analysis. Perhaps maybe the encoding or burning. Why do you think the error was in the analysis? Better yet, can you explain what was wrong with the first burn? Can you also post your steps, brand of media, system specs, the programs your using with Shrink ... and anything else you or anyone else wants to know