Hi Guys, I know there are many threads about the different kinds of flashcarts which has confused me. I have a Nintendo DS and im not sure which flashcart to buy and would like some suggestions on which brand etc i should buy that will work with the DS games such as Mario Kart, Super Mario etc Im thinking of buying the AceKard 2i, does anyone have experience using one of these? Thanks for any replies recieved
if you have the phat ds or lite, then choose M3, Acekard 2, Supercard ds1, or Ez Flash. add a EZ 3-in-1 if you want GBA support. if you have a DSi then, pick Acekard 2i or EZ Flash Vi. reviews here http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showforum=99
If you have the DS or DS Lite and you want a CHEAP cart just to try DS games then get the DSTT... I have a few of these, they're under $6 usd and free shipping from dealextreme. They'll even read SDHC cards! Make sure you get this sku # though, the other ones may or may not be genuine... http://dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.15613 Other places sell them too, but I haven't dealt with any of them so I can't vouch for how they are... but dealextreme has been great in my opinion. If you want to spend the money then go for the M3 Real or CycloDS. As MaryD7 said, if you have a DSi then I'd go with the Acekard 2i...
Thanks for the replies. I have a DS Lite and the AceKard 2i is compatible with all the Nintendo DS generations so i think i will buy that one as it seems quite simple to set up with no messing around etc.