Hi, im not too great with sound editing but ive got a copy of Soundforge and it seems to be packed with features for it, i just dont know how to use it. Theres a place in the sound file ive recorded where you hear a pop sound as the dialogue gets too loud.. 2 places quite close to each other really.. i was wondering if its possible to use soundforge to get rid of this or if id have to re-record it? cheers to anyone who can shed any light on this on this for me as im not the greatest with sound editing stuff..
Come on, there must be someone out there who knows what im talking about... Its simply a pop sound when the guys voice gets too loud / too close to the mic.. and all im interested in is either the name of a filter i can pass to reduce the poppy-ness of the 2 places in the dialogue or to make it sort of blend in? Someones gotta be quite good at audio editing.. (ill also add, again, that ive got a demo of soundforge 4.5)
Stilton it depends on what it is you have recorded - spoken word, singing alone, singing with music. it also depends on what kind of quality you are working to as well. If there is popping on the mic then i would record it again - but im a stickler for stuff like that. basically you have recorded that pop so no matter what you do, it will still be "there". reducing the gain in the 2 sections might help you but that will reduce it for all sound on that track. i do know that soundforge's Audacity program has a noise removal function so maybe soundforge 4.5 does - im not familiar with it myself. have you tried the help function ? hope this helped Es
well.. its just someone saying 'blah blah blah, im evil.. you die now' or words to those effect.. I fiddled with soundforge a bit more, managed to use normalize and 'smooth' to get rid of some of the pop, it keeps closing down so i kept reopening and trying different effects.. i felt like it was starting to work quite well when i went to save it and was told "You cant save with the demo version" ...right, possibly the shittiest idea ever. Then i let my sister hear the original and on asking her "did you hear that pop sound, it happens twice!!!!" i was told im paying too much attention to it, so i might just let it go (oh and the help function is shite )