Recording from DBox - crashes when recording starts

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by sidders, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. sidders

    sidders Member

    Jan 30, 2007
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    I've followed the guide for setting up Wingrab server etc from here:

    But it crashes each time recording starts. The folder on my PC is shared and it sees this folder as it writes a log file to it. I've tried on Vista and on XP and on my laptop and desktop. Still get the same. I've tried with a crossover cable and also wirelessly via a router - still the same. Ony thing I hven't tried yet is a differnt image. I'm curently using Sportster Ultra 1.74 / Pro 1.03

    It is udrec.exe that crashes.
    The log file says:
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - --- DBOX WIN SERVER Ver. 0.4.1 ---
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - RECORD EVENT FROM DBOX
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - RECEIVE DATA FROM DBOX:
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <neutrino commandversion="1">

    <record command="record">

    <channelname>BBC ONE</channelname>

    <epgtitle>not available</epgtitle>







    <audiopids selected="601">

    <audio pid="601" name="English"/>





    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - *** DBOX WIN SERVER SETTINGS: ***
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - IP: PORT: 4000
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - REC. PATH: D:\DBoxVideo\
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - REC OPTIONS: JZSP
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - MINI.= 1
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - OPT.: WIN SHUTDOWN:0 PWR.MANAGER:0
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - GGRAB PRIORITY: NORMAL
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - UDREC PRIORITY: NORMAL
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - ---- RECORD WITH UDREC ----
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - SEND OPTIONS TO UDREC:
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - -o "D:\DBoxVideo\2007.02.14 - 10.05 - BBC ONE - not available\not available" -host -udp 31341 -vp 258 -ap 259 -ts
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - AUDIO: 1. AUDIO STREAM
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - VIDEO: TS STREAMS
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - OPT.: SPLIT=1
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - to DBox: VIDEOTS 31341 16 0 1 va 258 259
    14.02.07 - 10:05:04 - from DBox: udpstreampes: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    14.02.07 - 10:05:25 - INFO - Stop Recording

    another example is:
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - --- DBOX WIN SERVER Ver. 0.4.1 ---
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - RECORD EVENT FROM DBOX
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - RECEIVE DATA FROM DBOX:
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <neutrino commandversion="1">

    <record command="record">

    <channelname>BBC ONE</channelname>

    <epgtitle>not available</epgtitle>







    <audiopids selected="601">

    <audio pid="601" name="English"/>





    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - *** DBOX WIN SERVER SETTINGS: ***
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - IP: PORT: 4000
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - REC. PATH: D:\DBoxVideo\
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - REC OPTIONS: JZSP
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - MINI.= 1
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - OPT.: WIN SHUTDOWN:0 PWR.MANAGER:0
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - GGRAB PRIORITY: NORMAL
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - UDREC PRIORITY: NORMAL
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - ---- RECORD WITH UDREC ----
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - SEND OPTIONS TO UDREC:
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - -o "D:\DBoxVideo\2007.02.14 - 10.03 - BBC ONE - not av-ERR001\not available" -host -udp 31341 -vp 258 -ap 259 -ts
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - AUDIO: 1. AUDIO STREAM
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - VIDEO: TS STREAMS
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - OPT.: SPLIT=1
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - to DBox: VIDEOTS 31341 16 0 1 va 258 259
    14.02.07 - 10:03:18 - from DBox: udpstreampes: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    14.02.07 - 10:03:21 -
    14.02.07 - 10:03:21 - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

    14.02.07 - 10:03:21 - at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

    14.02.07 - 10:03:21 - at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer)

    14.02.07 - 10:03:21 - at Record.Start()

    14.02.07 - 10:03:21 - at KeyboardRecordControl.Start()

    14.02.07 - 10:03:27 - INFO - Stop Recording
    14.02.07 - 10:03:41 - Attention - Directory could not be generated. Output into Directory ...ERR002

    I have the IP adresses correct and the Dboc and PC are talking to each other. I'm not sure what to do now. The settings are exactly as stated in the guide.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2007
  2. sidders

    sidders Member

    Jan 30, 2007
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    ZAPP64 - I know you have your recording working - can you help me?
  3. sidders

    sidders Member

    Jan 30, 2007
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    Changed to the Sportsted 1.08 and it works now.
    Another problem now though. If I manually start recording it works fine. If I schedule a record using the EPG nothing happens. Do I need to do something different?

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