I did a search for this and didn't find it, so i'm hoping someone can answer me this question is there a way to record your voice singing over a separate guitar part while the guitar part is playing? what i'm trying to say is: what i've been doing is playing a guitar part, and then singing separately, and then mixing them together using another program, which works fine, but it takes a few tries to get the timing right. i need to have a guitar part playing and be able to record my voice singing with the guitar...is this possible with this program? thanks
What program, one program that I KNOW will work is sonic(foundry?) Sound Forge, It is an excelent program that will allow you to take the two sound files(I assume that they have been digitized into your computer) and addjust their volumes and delay times and then played together, you could make the guitar softer and put your voice over it. The output is digital and is easily put to cd or made into mp3. Another method involving no software would to playback the guitar and record both your singing and the guitar, this method would be less expensive(assuming you have a player and a seperate recorder) but would result in much worse quality and would be harder to put to cd unless you use the (crappy) windows soundrecorder or a standalone cd-recorder; having a very high quality microphone and speakers would also be key to the second method. Good Luck, if you would tell me what program you were using I might be able to give you some suggestions.
oh yeah sorry...i'm using nero wave editor and media editor (media jukebox) i'm not trying to do anything big...just playing around. i can already merge the two sounds together, but it's time consuming because you have to get the timing JUST right... what i want to do is record my voice THAT moment while the guitar part is playing. i don't know if that is possible with my two programs though...