So what software do you use to record sound through the computer's sound card? As for me, I'm using Soundforge, o--kay, does what it should but i need a basic one that is inexpensive or free audio editor or audio recorder. So what's the consensus here? Please.
I've used Audacity for quite a bit of copying old LP's and CD's. Bare bones program but still a lot of functionality. Surprisingly powerful.
I use a few apps for audio, Cubase, Wavelab and Cool Edit Pro, But Audacity is a good one for a freebie
as stated above, what you want achieve can be done for free with Audacity. If you wanted to have a bit more fuctionality, I would go with Goldwave. I have been using it for years as a general purpose audio tool that is not very expensive and is packed with features. It has a smaller footprint and cost compared to SoundForge. Good luck
Yeah FlexiMusic Audio Editor is good, is a good editor and the whole lot of recording options. I'm using it to record a song for a music video for a school project, and its working really good, makes it pretty easy for professional but not so expensive ($20). And before that I used Audacity which is free and easy to learn, and you can use tracks and such.
Here's another goody if you want to just have a peek at different aspets of audio like midi and audio oh yeh its free a cut down version but a good taster
Your soundcard should have some free software for it. Donload it from the site (i.e., I think Nero Suite has a tool for it too.