Is there any way that I can record programs without plugging my phone line into the tivo? I use this in my home during the summer and trailer during the winter, and there is no phone in the trailer. The instructions say I must plug it into a phone line as does the onscreen instructions I was just hoping there was someway to get around that.
I doubt it. Without connecting it to the phone line, it can't upgrade the onscreen guide, and I would also suspect that after a certain time it would stop working, and want to verify your subscription by connecting to the server. There may be a hack to get around it, I'm not sure. I've never heard of one for my Replay though.
yes there is , You can go to ebay and buy a H/D there ready to go or buy the software to do it your self or look for it on the internet , It can be done , I am doing it , Thanks
what does buying a new hard drive on ebay have to do with it connecting to the phone line for subscription updates?
You do not have to buy a new H/D but it is an option ,All the info for the Tivo is on the H/D , He can buy a new one (larger) on Ebay or anywhere else, But the info has to be updated, (programmed), I have a 160 gig in one of my tivo's and 80 in the other , I am in Canada where you cannot have a phone line connected because that 800 number is only accessable thru the usa, anything else you would like to know if I can help I will, here is a link what I am talking about as you can see there is no phone line needed after the hd has been done
By the way , that link to the auction is not my auction , I used it only for a reference to a question
As I stated you can also just program your h/d too and you will not need to buy another , Buying another is only for having a larger one for more storage
I don't know exzctly how it updates but it does, All I know is that it works , I never made the program I just wrote it to my H/Drive , Has been working well for over 2 years, I have an hdvr2 and a new dvr40, They are diffrent programs for each
I believe the phone line is only used for pushing OS updates out. I think the program guide is actually updated via the dish. I helped a friend find instructions for setting his DirecTivo up to transfer files from it last year but I don't remember many details.