I've been looking for something like this for a while; http://www.soundblaster.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=206&product=10702 It says that it can record vinyls and cassette tapes and convert them to Mp3, but i don't see how it records vinyls or tapes, can anyone explain??
Yes - you plug a hifi with a turntable into the soundblaster, plug the soundblaster into your pc, then play an album or a tape and it captures the audio onto your pc's hard drive.
If you have a sound card that has a "line in" connection, and a turntable and/or cassette player connected to a stereo amp; then all you have to do is connect the "record out" amp to the "line in" on your sound card. Go to the Record settings(on sound card) to turn on the "line in." I used many versions of EZ CD creator's recording programs and now am on version 7 and using "sound editor." I'm sure Nero has something but I haven't bothered to look for it in my version 6.6+. If you have all these things then all you need buy are stereo connectors(adapters) to get from amp to pc. I've transferred many of my favorite vinyls to CDs. You can also remove pops and clicks from LPs and cassettes. The process is time consuming because you have to actually play the stuff in real time. But do a side at a time and then split it up in sound editor. Do it in WAVs or Mp3s. Good luck it's worth the time.
Connect them together and play something thru your amp to the pc. If you can hear what's playing thru the amp in your pc's speakers then you're properly connected. You just need one program to capture the sound(Rip it to your hard drive)Creator's 7 Sound Editor or Nero6.6.0.8 WAV editor. Either of these will allow you to hear the music playing thru the "line in" pc conection. You can even record with either of these programs, internet radio like MusicMatch offers. Just select the proper source. You'll need a stereo mini pin(PC end) and two RCA type plugs(L&R) to the amp. It'll be a "Y" configured connector.
Hi, i have my turntable connected to my amp, than that to my LINE IN on my PC sound card. When i play the LP i can hear it though my speakers perfectly. But, when i come to record it, through Nero's recorder (wav editor) the sound only reaches -40dB! To record something decent i need it to be at least 0dB! I have turned up the volume on my amp, and that doesnt change the level of input at all! I have also been into the sound levels and changed LINE IN to full (it was full anyway). So now, i have a good setup but i cant record anythng decent yet as i have only -40dB cominh though. Any suggestions? Please help!
Doesn't matter! I have found a way! I'm using ALL SOUND RECORDER XP to record the sound, you can change the input volume and convert to wav, mp3, wma, ogg. Anyone else having difficulty with sound, try and find All sound recorder XP!